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Auction Preferred Stock. A type of Dutch Auction Preferred Stock (Goldman Sachs product).
Copyright © 2012, Campbell R. Harvey. All Rights Reserved.

Auction Preferred Stock

A preferred stock with an adjustable dividend that changes every seven weeks according to the results of a Dutch auction. Every preferred stock has a guaranteed dividend; an auction market preferred stock is distinguished by the fact that the amount of its dividends changes from time to time. An auction market preferred stock is beneficial for some investors because the auction reveals the current market yield every seven weeks, which helps in investment decisions on whether to buy, sell, or hold. It is also called an auction rate preferred stock or a Dutch auction preferred stock.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved
References in periodicals archive ?
The issue cost per policy includes the cost of underwriting and obtaining lab tests and attending physician statements, processing/printing, the level of not-takens and underwriting rejections.
This is certainly true for requirements such as attending physician statements where the greater likelihood of disease in older compared to younger applicants enhances the statements' protective value.
Of the state's 11,392 medical doctors, only 1,093 of them have signed attending physician statements to allow patients to secure medical marijuana cards.