
(redirected from attendees)
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Synonyms for attendee

a person who is present and participates in a meeting

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
According to a joint research project by Rainbow Rights Philippines and Metro Manila Pride obtained by, 72% of attendees in 2017 were there for the first time.
Scammers call or email attendees and exhibitors, claiming to represent ITEEA and encourage our attendees to book rooms using fake promotion codes at a variety of hotels close to the conference venue(s).
On March 5 and 6, attendees had the opportunity to listen to presentations on a wide variety of issues affecting veterans and people with disabilities.
"Considering the number of mutual sponsors and attendees we both attract, co-locating with Modex lets us offer one of the most comprehensive and complete conferences and tradeshows in the world--and to our attendees," Butler said.
Next, Bromium asked RSA attendees to identify the source of their greatest security risk.
(As a keynoter, I've often provided teaser videos for clients and the feedback suggests that the videos have in fact inf luenced some attendees' decisions to attend the meeting.)
FOR MANY ATTENDEES, APHA's Annual Meeting and Exposition is more than sessions, socials and networking--it is also a time to gain knowledge they can use in their public health work.
THE BOARD approved an increase in the number of attendees at this year's hui a-tau to 250 and the costs associated with the increase, estimated at around $40,000.
ITN provided every exhibitor who ordered a lead retrieval solution a complimentary BTAG, an innovative wireless hotspot that capitalizes on near-field communication (NFC) to simplify the delivery of content to attendees.
Meet the Retailer provides suppliers of all sizes the opportunity to learn about the best way to conduct business and succeed with retail attendees.