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References in periodicals archive ?
But there are other ways to keep the attacking soldiers away from myelin.
In summary, we can call this an exercise of five beginning the attack against three opponents and ending with five attackers attacking the goal against three defenders.
Terrorists feel the need to create ever greater impact on their targeted societies, and coordinated assaults bring both added lethality and "newsworthiness." Al Qaeda is not the only terrorist group attacking in this manner.
During the past two decades, few people have been caught for attacking our infrastructure and fewer still have been convicted.
During World War II, Switzerland's preparedness, based largely on an armed citizenry ready to mobilize at a moment's notice, dissuaded the Nazis from attacking. Hitler recognized that, by attacking Switzerland, he would have to defeat not just a military force but an entire armed population.
However, unlike most Americans, the free press defined in our Constitution had a duty to report that Americans were attacking other Americans in the wake of the terrorist assault on our nation, and to use its immense power to help end the violence.
There are several appendices, the most fascinating of which is a complete transcript of the communications between the attacking Mirage flight leader and his controllers.
(Actually, under international law, Saddam Hussein may have a better case for attacking the United States today than Bush has for attacking Iraq, since Bush is threatening an imminent war against Iraq.) Try as they might, Bush officials have failed to present credible evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved in the attacks of September 11.
Hybrid attacks--those combining the dangerous payloads of viruses with automated and varied attacking mechanisms--represent grave threats to businesses, according to reports by two prominent Internet security organizations.
Egress tittering, for instance, prevents packets with "spoofed" addresses from leaving one system and attacking another.
Those who committed these crimes against humanity were attacking American foreign policy, not the American people.
Japanese officials could not resist attacking Pearl Harbor.
Damage to the gland occurs when digestive enzymes are activated and begin attacking the pancreas.
Well-organized defenses will typically place a large number of players between the ball and their goal, leaving very little space for an attacking team to create high-quality scoring opportunities.