attached gingiva

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Related to attached gingiva: alveolar mucosa


 [jin-ji´vah, jin´jĭ-vah] (pl. gin´givae) (L.)
the part of the oral mucosa covering the tooth-bearing border of the jaw; called also gum.
Anatomical relationship of normal gingiva in facial view (A) and in cross-section (B). From Darby and Walsh, 1994.
alveolar gingiva attached gingiva.
areolar gingiva the portion attached to the alveolar process by loose areolar connective tissue.
attached gingiva that portion of the gingiva which is firm and resilient and is bound to the underlying cementum and the alveolar bone, thus being immovable. Called also alveolar gingiva.
free gingiva the portion that surrounds the tooth and is not directly attached to the tooth surface.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

at·tached gin·gi·va

that part of the oral mucosa that is firmly bound to the tooth and alveolar process.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

at·tach·ed gin·gi·va

(ă-tacht' jin'ji-vă)
That part of the oral mucosa that is firmly bound to the tooth and alveolar process.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012

at·tached gin·gi·va

(ă-tacht' jin'ji-vă)
That part of the oral mucosa firmly bound to the tooth and alveolar process.
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
Idiopathic gingival fibromatosis is a gradually progressive benign enlargement that affects the marginal, interdental, & attached gingiva. The fibromatosis may potentially cover the exposed tooth surfaces, thereby hampering the functioning of the stomatognathic system.
All the periodontal parameters including plaque index, gingival index, probing depth, clinical attachment level and number of gingival recessions were compared with the mean width of keratinized gingiva and thickness of attached gingiva using Karl Pearson correlation coefficient within the groups.
In addition to the loss of attached gingiva, observations in this case included ulcerations at the free gingival margin, tooth abrasion, deposits of dental plaque related to the affected area and an increase in dental hypersensitivity.
However, if gingivectomy removes all of the attached gingiva, creating mucogingival problems, then flap operation is indicated.
In the present report, the patient was 51 years old and the cyst was located in the attached gingiva between the mandibular left canine and first incisor, as expected according to the literature reviewed herein.
The advantages of lateral pedicle flap are its simplicity, presence of only one surgical site and good vascularity of pedicle.9,10 Whereas its disadvantages are that the amount of keratinized attached gingiva that is the pre requisite, probable recession at donor site, dehiscence or fenestration at donor and limitation to only 1 or 2 teeth.
On clinical examination a solitary well defined spherical shaped ulcer was seen on right posterolateral part of palate measuring about 2 x 2 cm extending anteriorly from 16 regions and posteriorly till junction of hard & soft palate, medially 1 cm away from median palatine raphae and laterally till attached gingiva in relation to 16, 17, 18.
The amount of attached gingiva can be calculated by subtracting the probing depth from the width of the keratinized gingiva.
Thin biotypes are delicate, highly scalloped and translucent in appearance.The soft tissue appears to be delicate and friable with minimal amount of attached gingiva and thin labial plate with possible presence of dehiscence and fenestrations.Thin scalloped biotypes are considered to be at risk as they have been associated with compromised soft tissue response following surgical or restorative treatment.
Camargo, "The modified apically repositioned flap to increase the dimensions of attached gingiva: the single incision technique for multiple adjacent teeth," International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry, vol.