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Related to attention span: attention deficit disorder


To cover all contingencies within a specified range.
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A unit of length equivalent to nine inches.
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The decrease in human attention spans is observed across all age groups and genders.
A media environment, built and designed for short attention spans, is guaranteed to increase overall anxiety.
Our overall available attention span remains the same.
In the words of the great Barbara Bush 'Cherish your human connections - your relationship with friends and family.' This is the challenge before all of us as we cope with the relentless onslaught of technology on our attention span with deep negative repercussion for us all.
8seconds - average human attention span - less than a goldfish 12 months - that's how long Ed Sheeran went without social media
The study found average attention spans had dropped from 12 seconds to just 8 seconds since the turn of the millennium.
The report adds that although the increased usage of technology is hurting attention spans, it also has an upside.
Displacement of self-directed, challenging mental tasks ensures an undeveloped attention span. When youngsters are in self-directed activities exploring their environments, they are talking to themselves, making choices, and directing their own attention.
Attention span is a complex issue, being closely tied to our concepts of ideal learning behaviors that improve information retention.
The average attention span of an online consumer can be as little as eight seconds: this book tells how to reevaluate a website for many factors that could eat up this attention span, from clocking a website's loading time to using images to gain attention and assuring content is at-a-glance quick to absorb.
KOREA -- A study of Korean adolescents was conducted to determine whether there was a relationship between not getting enough sleep and having a poor attention span. Adjustments were made for confounding factors like snoring and depressed mood.
Let's start with the notion of attention span, that is, the ability to sustain one's attention on one thing for a period of time.

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