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SHOULD WE ALL BE TRYAN A DIGI-BREAK? Healthy reasons to join Tubs & ditch your phone.


WE'RE living in the digital age and spending more and more time online.

With this in mind a digital detox is a good way to take a break.

Earlier this year, Late Late Show host Ryan Tubridy gave up his smartphone for a month and switched over to an old handset.

After the month was up, Tubs decided to stick with his vintage model because he enjoyed not being a "slave to the blue ticks".

And singer Ed Sheeran took a break from social media for a whole year in 2016.

Here are some reasons to try kicking the habit and going cold turkey on your digital devices.

Get better sleep

Looking at the screen before bedtime can prevent you from catching a good night's sleep.

The blue and green wavelengths of brightness from the display can trick the brain into thinking that it's daytime instead of night, making you feel more awake.

This could have serious health implications.

By not looking at your phone for at least an hour before you plan to doze off, you'll improve your chances of drifting off to a quality sleep quickly.

There are a few easy ways to do this including not charging your phone by your bedside and investing in a real alarm clock instead of depending on your phone.

Focus more on relationships

Thanks to social media, it might feel like people are more connected than ever before.

However, talking over a messaging app is very different than talking face to face.

Constantly communicating over the phone can mean you're not talking to those who are actually around you.

By taking a break from it, you'll be forced to have real conversations, instead of just ones over WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.

Give your eyes a break

A lot of jobs now require staff to be at their computers or be on their phone for pretty much the whole working day.

Staring at a screen at can put serious strain on your eyes and also lead to headaches.

When you look at a screen, you don't blink as often as normal which can cause the eyes to dry out, leaving them irritated.

Cutting out your screen time at work might not be an option, but it is for when you get home.

Also, experts recommend the obeying the 20-20-20 rule. That means looking away from your screen every 20 minutes for 20 seconds at something at least 20 feet away.

Attention span improve

A 2015 study revealed that thanks to our constant smartphone use, humans now have an attention span shorter than goldfish.

And According to research by Microsoft, the average attention span of a human is now just eight seconds - that's a second shorter than that of your pal swimming around on the top of the TV.

Having a world of information at your fingertips can mean your train of thought can change in an instant.

By taking a step back from digital devices, you'll soon find that you'll eventually be able to concentrate better and for longer.

Reduce stress

Constantly checking emails, social media accounts and messages can leave you feeling like you're not able to switch off.

Smartphones and tablets mean that people are easier to get a hold of than ever before and while this has many positives, it can mean that taking work home with you is very easy too.

Although the idea of being away from your phone might strike the fear of God into many, after the initial stress will come relief as you begin to focus on what's going on around you and not on a screen.

More time

Have you ever been scrolling on your phone for what seems like minutes and all of a sudden realise that an hour has passed?

One thing can lead to another when you're checking through social media, playing games and checking apps and time can just seem to melt away. By taking a break from digital devices, you'll have more time on your hands.

[email protected]

8seconds - average human attention span - less than a goldfish 12 months - that's how long Ed Sheeran went without social media


LOG OUT Ed Sheeran ditched social media

OLD PRO Ryan Tubridy has vintage phone

ADDICTS Many of us are tied to technology
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Publication:The Mirror (London, England)
Date:May 9, 2018
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