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ATDAnthropomorphic Test Dummy
ATDAssociation for Talent Development (formerly American Society of Training Directors)
ATDAttack the Day
ATDAchieving the Dream
ATDAwakening the Dreamer
ATDAnalog to Digital (converter)
ATDAtascadero (Amtrak station code; Atascadero, CA)
ATDAttraction Tickets Direct (various locations)
ATDAdvanced Technology Demonstration
ATDAnalog to Digital
ATDActive Torque Dynamics
ATDAddress Transition Detection
ATDAuthorized Terminal Distribuitor
ATDAttribute Discovery
ATDAccredited Tier Designer (Uptime Institute)
ATDAttention to Detail
ATDAtmospheric Technology Division (US National Center for Atmospheric Research)
ATDAssistant Technical Director
ATDApplied Technology Diploma (Florida)
ATDAdvanced Technology Development
ATDAt the Doctor's
ATDAgainst the Day (Glasgow band)
ATDArchitectural Technology & Design (various schools)
ATDAnthropomorphic Test Device
ATDAcacia Training and Development (UK)
ATDActual Time of Departure
ATDArt Teaching Diploma (various schools)
ATDAsynchronous Time Division
ATDAerosol Transmissible Disease
ATDAutomatic Target Detection
ATDAgree to Disagree (internet slang)
ATDAsset Transfer Date
ATDAmused to Death (Roger Waters album)
ATDApplied Technology Division
ATDAircrew Training Device
ATDArrival Time Difference
ATDAnti-Thyroid Drug
ATDAuto Trim Design (Fairbanks, AK)
ATDAcquired Toilet Disease (fictitious disease)
ATDAll Things Democrat (website)
ATDAssociated Tap Dancers (UK)
ATDAttitude Determination
ATDAddress Transition Detection (circuit in asynchronous memory)
ATDApprenticeship and Training Division
ATDAnti Terrorist Department (gaming)
ATDAdjustable Time Delay
ATDAid to the Totally Disabled
ATDAutomated Test Designer (software; @YourSide Consulting)
ATDAlong Track Distance (aviation)
ATDAutomated Thermal Desorber (gas chromatography analysis column type)
ATDAerospace Technology Division (Library of Congress; formerly Aerospace Information Division)
ATD6-Etioallochol-1,4-Diene-3,17-Dione (aromatase inhibitor)
ATDAssociação Terras Dentro
ATDAlzheimer's Type Dementia (clinical disorder)
ATDApplied Thermodynamics (physics)
ATDAided Target Detection
ATDAssociation des Techniciens de Dialyse (French: Association of Dialysis Technicians)
ATDAtherothrombotic Disease
ATDAbrams Travel Data Services
ATDAquitaine Transmission Distribution (French automotive parts company)
ATDAvailable to Deploy
ATDAnti-Tank Ditch
ATDAuthorized Terminal Distributor
ATDAlliance Tchadienne pour la Démocratie et le Développement (Chadian Alliance for Democracy and Development, Chad)
ATDAutomated Tactical Data Link
ATDAuthorization Termination Date
ATDAssistant Train Dispatcher (NYC Transit Authority)
ATDAir and Toxics Division
ATDActive Threat Defense (Cisco)
ATDAccelerated Titration Design
ATDAcceptance and Takeover Date
ATDAntitheft Device
ATDAstronaut Translation Device
ATDAutomatic Tube Dispenser
ATDAdaptive Threshold Detector
ATDAudio Tone Detector
ATDAero Tech Designs (Coraopolis, PA)
ATDAutomated Training Device
ATDAutomatic Tone Detector (Sprint)
ATDAssociation of Telecommunications Dealers
ATDAdvanced Technologies Demonstration (ARPA/Bell Atlantic)
ATDAir Technician Detachment
ATDATM Test Development
ATDAssignment and Transmittal Document (SAIC stock)
ATDAUTOVON Tandem Digital
ATDAutomatic Target Designation
ATDActuals To Date
ATDAviation Test Directorate
ATDAverage to Date
ATDAmphibische Technische Dienst (Dutch)
ATDAnti Theft Discount (insurance)
ATDAssistance Technique Directe (French: Direct Technical Assistance)
ATDAll Terrain Drilling Pty Ltd (Australia)
Copyright 1988-2018, All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
ATTENTION TO DETAIL Scripton Farm is a development of farm building conversions on the Brancepeth Estates, five miles from Durham
Becoming a business owner demands attention to detail, especially when it comes to keeping records pertaining to financial, clients, products and personnel information.
DUNCAN FLETCHER has revealed how attention to detail in Kevin Pietersen's preparation has helped him make such an outstanding start to his Test career.
Harvey Mclean, in Ayr, has built a reputation for superior craftsmanship, attention to detail and the use of the finest materials and is renowned for giving clients exactly what they ask for - in most cases an investment that will last a lifetime.
Not catching re-basing entries shows that maintenance control and the logs and records clerks lack attention to detail and pose a safety issue.
She alludes to the earnestness of moral fables while her shrewd attention to detail acknowledges the provincial virtues embraced by early American portraitists.
Her meticulous attention to detail and imagery challenges and sometimes confuses.
Tooling for high-precision components demands great attention to detail and an accuracy level approaching that of gauge making, which is well beyond that usually found in standard molding tools.
The first of a planned trilogy, Ignoble demonstrates and documents Sturmen Kreig's storytelling skills and keen attention to detail and background for his charecters, his story, and their settings.
The diagram shown here is itself a brilliant synthesis, a social and functional analysis of a world city which manages to pay attention to detail (the location of each borough town hall), as well as providing snapshot information on waterways and reservoirs, industrial wharves, railways, shopping centres, open spaces, and (shades of things to come) 'central communities with a high proportion of obsolescent property'.
His attention to detail and impeccable maintenance practices resulted in the discovery of an unsafe condition and allowed a timely correction of all 33rd Fighter Wing aircraft.
His journalism was exemplary in its attention to detail and emphasis on human hope.
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