ATTKArrow to the Knee
ATTKA Time to Kill (John Grisham novel, movie)
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Pearson's r indicated a correlation with ATTK, CMCD, and WMFB of 0.829, 0.740, and 0.841, respectively.
Regarding agility validity, the PoSMAT Protocol Suite was tested against the agility T-Test protocol and found that Pearson's r in correlation with ATTK, CMCD and WMFB were 0.863, 0.913, and 0.893, respectively.
Propensity score model estimates were estimated using the ATTK
(60) ATTK refers to an estimate of the Average Treatment Effect for
En el grupo de hombres mayores de 50 anos, el impacto en el uso de servicios de hospitalizacion resulta negativo y significativo con un nivel de confianza del 99% con atts y del 95% usando attnd, mientras que con attk no resulta ser significativo.
En los menores de cuatro anos el impacto es positivo con distintos niveles de confianza (90% con attnd, 95% con atts y 99% con attk).
variables Non-borrowers Non-borrowers in the propensity score estimation ATTK ATTR ATTK ATTR Specification 35.283 26.968 152.813 159.717 1 ([S.sub.1]) (38.173) (37.641) (47.642) ** (46.162) ** Specification 10.963 13.056 148.027 146.784 2 ([S.sub.1]) (40.052) (39.539) (46.321) ** (48.596) ** Specification 33.991 24.652 144.884 159.113 3 ([S.sub.1]) (37.867) (36.579) (46.097) ** (44.351) ** Specification 7.750 13.440 145.492 148.440 4 ([S.sub.1]) (39.834) (38.605) (45.875) ** (48.368) ** Control Formal vs.
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Condemning terrorist attk on Pb Home Min,#COAS directed int agencies help find perpetrators.Such dastardly coward attempts cant dent our-1/2 AsimBajwaISPR (@AsimBajwaISPR) August 16, 2015national resolve 2 eliminate the menace.Khanzada Shaheed was bold Offr whose sacrifice 4 greater cause of cleansing Pak won't go waste-2 AsimBajwaISPR (@AsimBajwaISPR) August 16, 2015