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ATTICAll the Tea in China
ATTICAlternative Treatment Technology Information Center (US EPA National Risk Management Research Laboratory)
ATTICAssociation of Trinidad and Tobago Insurance Companies
ATTICAll That Tour in Corea (Korean travel agency)
ATTICAwareness of Teaching and Teaching Improvement Center (Temple University, College of Liberal Arts)
ATTICArchived Term That Isn't Certified (Acronym Attic)
ATTICAssistive Technology, Training and Information Center, Inc. (Vincennes, Indiana)
ATTICAll Teens Together in Christ
ATTICArmy Test and Training Instrumentation Conference (US Army)
ATTICAdvising, Tutoring, Testing/Disabilities, International Student Center (Southern Polytechnic State University; Georgia)
ATTICAll Things Through and In Christ
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References in classic literature ?
The most extraordinary attic I ever came across was one a friend and I once shared many years ago.
But our attic, unique though it was, had by no means exhausted the architect's sense of humor.
It is a long time ago now that I last saw the inside of an attic. I have tried various floors since but I have not found that they have made much difference to me.
"Did we not hear a roly-poly noise in the attic when we were looking into that chest?"
Sure enough the roly-poly noise was still going on quite distinctly under the attic floor
He groped his way carefully for several yards; he was at the back of the skirting- board in the attic, where there is a little mark * in the picture.
He had not been installed more than three days in his attic before all his doubts were removed.
"In the front attic." Miss Polly hesitated, then went on: "I suppose I may as well tell you now, Nancy.
"When my father took over the Horsham property, he, at my request, made a careful examination of the attic, which had been always locked up.
For the rest, there was nothing of much importance in the attic save a great many scattered papers and note-books bearing upon my uncle's life in America.
He must have known that the attic was inhabited by Daddy Jacques, and that was one of the reasons, I think, why he must have used a quiet weapon,--a life-preserver, or a hammer."
Amelie rose, took an easel which stood near hers, carried it to a distance from the noble group, and placed it close to a board partition which separated the studio from the extreme end of the attic, where all broken casts, defaced canvases and the winter supply of wood were kept.