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An adjustable or fixed transducer for reducing the amplitude of a wave without introducing appreciable distortion.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

sound attenuator

In ductwork, a device (usually prefabricated) especially designed to provide much greater sound attenuation than would be provided by an equal length of ductwork; the pressure drop through the device is greater than for an equal length of ductwork.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The following sections describe the design of a foam impact attenuator to satisfy weight reduction requirements for the Formula SAE racing car.
For the past ten years, NIST has used high-reflectivity, optical choppers as beamsplitters and attenuators when calibrating the absolute responsivity and response linearity of detectors used with high-power CW lasers.
The input Lange splitter is followed by symmetric 50 [ohm] microstrip transitions tapering down to the two balanced I and Q attenuators. Each balanced attenuator consists of four Lange couplers, two in a splitter/combiner pair and two in the reflective attenuators.
Both of these strains had the C to T mutation at position +58 of the attenuator. This mutation would appear not to influence the development of the attenuation loop.
The chopper wheel, thus, acts as an attenuator for radiation going to the test detector.
This means that the attenuator must se ttle at the correct level with the required accuracy during the minimum interpulse time.
Since these conical-profiled noise attenuators are far less bulky and weigh less than the mufflers previously used, they can be elevated even in cyclonic areas for further ground-level noise and radiant-heat reduction.
The reason this crash was so severe is that the crash attenuator, a highway safety barrier which is designed to reduce the impact into a concrete lane divider, had either been removed or crushed in a prior accident without being replaced.
M2 EQUITYBITES-May 26, 2015-IDT adds three new RF variable attenuator products
India, May 17 -- DiCon Fiberoptics has introduced a new optical attenuator module for the GP750 test system, a fibre optic test system, which is able to automate optical switches and fibre optic attenuators with plug-and-play modularity.
The model 50MAP1.2 is a DC to 2 GHz attenuator that features 0.1 dB step size resolution and offers users a low cost solution.