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Attawapiskat (ătˌəwəpĭsˈkăt), river, c.465 mi (750 km) long, flowing E from Attawapiskat Lake, N Ontario, Canada, then N and E into James Bay. The trading posts of Attawapiskat and Lansdowne House are on the river.
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Mr Statter had been corresponding with Cree author Xavier Kataquapit who told him a story passed down the generations about 24 young men taken from the village of Attawapiskat in north Ontario in the summer of 1917.
In May 2016, the First Nations students at Saunders Secondary School discussed what was happening in Attawapiskat with their friends in the green industries class.
Tom Ormsby, the company's head of corporate affairs, said the diamond-bearing ground, 90 kilometres east of Attawapiskat, still remains very prospective but it doesn't support keeping the current infrastructure intact.
One of only two Canadian women in this global roundup is the remarkable Shannen Koostachin, who fought for a school on her Attawapiskat First Nation in Northern Ontario while she was still a child; her brief life is narrated by another Aboriginal hero, Cindy Blackstock.
On National Aboriginal Day, a group of young people from Vezina High School in Attawapiskat First Nation released an original music video called "Walking for Peace".
Located on the western shore of James Bay, the Attawapiskat First Nation--again in the news in the spring of 2016 as a result of a rash of attempted suicides--provides a graphic case study of how a First Nation's lack of readiness can blunt any benefits from large resource projects in its traditional territories.
Shannen Koostachin lived there, in Attawapiskat, a First Nations community in far north Ontario.
Chief Bruce Shisheesh of the Attawapiskat First Nation in the province of Ontario confirmed the news in a brief telephone conversation on Saturday.
But that was far from the end of the tragedy for the struggling isolated aboriginal community of Attawapiskat in Ontario, Canada.
Charlie Angus, who represents the northern Ontario community of Attawapiskat, said they need to address the crisis.