Rose Oil

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Related to Attar of rose: rose oil, Rose otto

rose oil

[′rōz ‚ȯil]
Transparent, combustible, yellow-to-green or red essential oil with fragrant scent and sweet taste; solidifies at 18-37°C; steam-distilled from rose flowers; used in flavors, perfumes, and medicines. Also known as attar of roses; otto of rose oil; rose flower oil.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Rose Oil


(also attar of roses), an essential oil extracted from rose petals, chiefly by steam distillation. It is a thick (transparent at 30°C), yellowish liquid with an odor of roses. Density, 0.950–0.990 g/cm3 (20°C). Rose oil has more than 200 constituents, including phenylethyl alcohol, the terpene alcohols citro-nellol, nerol, geraniol, and linalool, the ethers of these alcohols, and aliphatic aldehydes. Stearoptenes (basically paraffins) make up that part of rose oil (~5 percent) that is insoluble in alcohol under normal conditions. Rose oil is used primarily in the manufacture of high-grade perfume and cologne.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The application process was started in 2012 by producers of Bulgarian attar of roses in the Kazanlak and Karlovo regions.
Attar of roses comes from Istanbul and Bulgaria, and although the rose is considered a common enough plant, as much as 100 kilos of rose petals may be needed for half a litre of distilled rose oil.
Go for 'Attar of Roses' for a good fragrance, which bears clusters of small mauve flowers, or 'Lady Plymouth' for a lemon fragrance.
Scented geraniums are available in garden centres; ask for Pelargonium capita tum (rose-scentedgeranium)or the variety of Attar of Roses. It is the leaves rather than the flower that have the strongest scent.
On the other hand, these limitations might be intentional: in contrast to her previous volume, Attar of Roses (1997; see WLT 73:1, p.
Cleopatra would never have set off to woo Mark Anthony armed with a single spritz of attar of roses. She would have used enough perfume to envelop herself in a cloud of scent.
Good varieties include 'Voodoo', a unique variety with wine red flowers with black centres, and 'Attar of Roses', a light pink type valued for its rose-scented foliage.
Go for Attar of Roses for a good fragrance, which bears clusters of small mauve flowers, or Lady Plymouth for a lemon fragrance.