attack plane

attack plane

[ə′tak ‚plān]
(aerospace engineering)
A multiweapon carrier aircraft which can carry bombs, torpedoes, and rockets.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Compared to its predecessors, the Su-57 combines the functions of an attack plane and a fighter jet while the use of composite materials and innovation technologies and the fighter's aerodynamic configuration ensure the low level of radar and infrared signature.
As well, the October-November edition of the French journal RAIDS Aviation has an article on the OA-X programme, "Antiguerilla : Programme OA-X Quel futur avion d'attaque leger pour l'USAF?" ("Anti-guerilla: The OA-X Programme Which future light attack plane for the USAF?") by Jean-Pascal Heraut, who notes that several companies had entrants that did not make the cut of the OA-X programme.
Both drones were said to be the Shahed-129 design, which can be used both as an attack plane and a spy aircraft.
He said that the two pilots in the Brazilian-made Embraer EMB 314 Super Tucano light attack plane died instantly and that a woman living in the house was rushed to a hospital in critical condition.
A high- and fast-flying dogfighter like the F-22 or a multi-role attack plane and dogfighter like the F-35?
The Russian SU-24 attack plane was shot down earlier Tuesday by two Turkish F-16s after the Russian pilots were warned 10 times -- without a response, Turkish officials said.
The Russian SU-24 attack plane was shot down earlier Tuesday by two Turkish F-16s after it received 10 warnings within a five-minute period, Turkey's envoy to the United Nations said, but Moscow insisted the aircraft was inside Syrian territory.
The deployment of some of Russia's most advanced ground attack plane and fighter jets as well as multiple air defence systems at the base near the ancestral home of President Bashar al-Assad appears to leave little doubt about Moscow's goal to establish a major military base in the Middle East.
Caption: Douglas AD-2 Skyraider attack plane of Attack Squadron (VA) 702 over the Japanese islands, after being launched on a routine flight from USS Boxer (CV21) in September 1951.
Although he acknowledged that a light attack plane would be useful, for example, in building partnership capacity with other nations, "that is outside the core mission set of the United States Air Force.
An American A-10 tankbuster attack plane killed Lance Corporal Matty Hull by firing on his vehicle near Basra in the first week of the 2003 invasion.
Several times a day, mostly just outside the city, there has been the sound of a US A-10 Warthog attack plane blasting a target with its cannon, which fires 70 30-mm shells a second.