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ATTARAssociation Tunisienne des Techniciens en Anesthésie-Réanimation
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Today, Kannauj Attar House, is one of the biggest and oldest attar shops in the city, owned and run by Anwar Raees Ansari.
"Don't know [a date] right now," Attar explained.
In so doing, Mr Al Attar attempted to mislead the DFSA into believing they were the computers used by the brokers when that was not the case;
It's a pleasure for me to be supporting her because she's a true talent that reflects the ambition in all Arab women," said Ola Al-Fares during her speech before unveiling Attar's collection.
When Attar captured Baltaji's defiant gaze that day in 1985, it helped to launch his career as a photojournalist.
However, following a public outcry and intensive intervention from the Palestinian Authority, Israel agreed to grant Attar a permit to leave Gaza to the West Bank to be with her daughter as she undergoes the long-awaited for kidney transplant at Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah.
Gevora and the Al Attar Group hopes to take over the world's tallest hotel mantle from the JW Marriott Marquis Hotel just down Shaikh Zayed Road, which soars to 1,165 feet.
As a Consumer Insights Manager at Saudi Telecom and the company's first female employee, Attar co-founded a non-profit organization, CellA - "Connection" in Arabic - which she developed to systematically support the thousands of entry-level women entering the workforce in Saudi Arabia.
Finding subversive acts in medieval Persian Sufi poet Farid al-Din attar Nishapuri (1145/46-1221) that are similar to or even more extreme than in post-Enlightenment European literature, Yaghoobi suggests that the medieval period was more egalitarian than the present.
Le secteur industriel et le BTP n'ont, quant a eux, represente que 20,8%, a fait savoir Attar. Concernant, en outre, les previsions de consommation nationale en energie a moyen et long terme, les besoins en gaz naturel devraient atteindre 42 milliards de metres cubes en 2019, 47 mds m3 en 2023 et 75 en 2030, a pronostique Attar, se referant a des projections faites par le ministere de l'Energie et le groupe Sonelgaz.
"What is amazing for me is that more youngsters are getting fascinated with the smell of oud and attar (Omani perfumes) and luckily we are having good business here," she added.