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Synonyms for Atakapa

a member of an Indian people formerly living along the Gulf Coast of Louisiana and Texas

a language spoken by the Atakapa of the Gulf Coast of Louisiana and Texas

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
In the late 1850's, White vigilante groups began a campaign of terror in the Attakapas and Opelousas areas of Louisiana.
(41) Given the level of violence and terror in the Attakapas and Opelousas areas of Louisiana many "Creole of Color" were encouraged to migrate to Haiti by P.E.
Keith Fontenot, "Old Southwest Louisiana," Attakapas Gazette (June 1972), 83-84.
Griffin, The Vigilance Committees of the Attakapas Country; or Early Louisiana Justice," Proceedings of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association 8 (1914-1915): 155.
Robert Ruffin Barrow did not originate the idea of a canal to connect the Attakapas country with New Orleans, but he was the first to move decisively to construct one.
and with those 'other' white Creoles--the poor white Creoles that genteel Creoles never mentioned in polite society, except, of course, as objects of ridicule."); BRASSEAUX, supra note 9, a 110-11 ("A great deal of confusion regarding [Francophones on the Opelousas and Attakapas prairies] existed among outsiders, who in [the years 1865-95] sometimes labeled them Creoles, sometimes Cajuns.
Griffin, "The Vigilance Committees of the Attakapas Country; or Early Louisiana Justice, Proceedings of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association 8 (1914-1915) 155.