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a try or effort to achieve some goal.
suicide attempt a serious effort to commit suicide involving definite risk. The outcome frequently depends on circumstances alone and is not under the person's control.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Please do not attemp to redeem this coupon against any other product as refusal to accept may cause embarrassment and delay at the checkout.
Kerry has been shuttling to the region in an attemp to secure a framework agreement between Israelis and Palestinians, which would extend talks past the April deadline.
A YOUNG dad whose heart problems meant he struggled to jog a few miles will attemp a marathon - in honour of the doctors who saved his life.
As a Category C inmate Farndon was considered unlikely to make a determined escape attemp, despite the fact he had previously escaped during his trial by leaping from the dock at Coventry Crown Court back in 2007.
Lucas Thomson, three, was attemp ting to style his hair for his first day at nursery.
RE ruled panic bu HARRY REDKNAPP has ana attemp foot of out making any buys next month in an attempt to lift QPR off the the Premiership.
ath tdttmmhho He hopes sions attemp clubs o as reco he lea distribu he bu moral q have ar ld Ran iquidat How would side th ook a harter t oli l was abo bc However, clubs would have to set aside the existing rule book and agree a charter for reform in a bid to take the game forward.
Not only was this a punitive attack which has left the real target, Saddam Hussein, no worse off but it was also, possibly, an attemp t by the US President to divert attention from his impeachment over an "inappropriate" liaison with Monica Lewinsky.
Sunderland appeared completely bemused by the power and penetration of their Black Country opponents and they had only one worthwhile shot in the first half with Mike Stowell fumbling a 35-yard drive from Phillips - only gathering it at the second attemp t.