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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



one of the stages in the commission of a crime. According to Soviet criminal law, an attempt is a deliberate action immediately directed at the commission of a crime, which is not brought to completion for reasons independent of the will of the guilty person. A distinction is made between complete and incomplete attempts, depending on whether the guilty person did everything he considered necessary to carry out his intention. A further distinction is made between attempts in circumstances that make accomplishment of the criminal objective impossible (faulty attempts; negodnye pokusheniia) and attempts where it is possible (godnye pokusheniia). Punishment for an attempt is set according to the statute that provides for liability for the corresponding crime, with regard for the nature and degree of social danger of the actions, the degree of accomplishment of the criminal intention, and the factors that prevented the crime from being brought to completion.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Their definition of suicide by cop is "an act motivated in whole or in part by the offender's desire to commit suicide that results in a justifiable homicide by a law enforcement officer." In addition, to better understand the magnitude of the suicide-by-cop phenomenon, law enforcement agencies must examine, investigate, and collect data regarding attempted suicide-by-cop incidents.
The 32-year-old suspect, who had an extensive criminal record and was on parole for armed robbery at the time of the incident, was charged with Murder and Attempted Murder.
Cartwright denied molesting his daughter and stepdaughters, and said that he attempted to kill himself because, among other reasons related to his cases, he had been in jail for a month, could not make bond, and his daughter had turned on him.
Osuji said the defendant allegedly attempted to commit suicide by trying to hang himself on the neck with a rope.
"The absolute rates of adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes are low with both attempted VBAC and elective repeat cesarean delivery," said researcher Carmen Young.
The official said that although the death rate by suicide has remained around one percent, the hospital had observed a surge in the cases of attempted suicide in females.
He proved that in England attempted suicide was a crime while in Scotland it was not, though the prevalence of attempted suicide was the same.
Gulen denies any involvement in the attempted putsch in which 240 people were killed, The Daily Star reported.
Giving an overview of the coup, the statement said "On the evening of July 15th, a faction of the Turkish Armed Forces attempted to stage a coup in various cities of Turkey, particularly in Ankara and Istanbul.
NNA - In an issued statement by the Turkish Embassy in Beirut on Sunday, it indicated that "the situation is back to normal in Turkey, following the events of the coup d''tats attempt." "The evening of July 15 witnessed a military operation outside the State Command's authority in various Turkish cities, especially in Istanbul and Ankara, which proved to be an attempted coup launched by a group of soldiers of different ranks within the Turkish Armed Forces," the statement indicated.
BAGUIO CITY -- The Abra police are investigating reports that a group affiliated with one of the province's winners during the May 9 polls had attempted to take over the capitol, 45 days ahead of the official inauguration of newly elected leaders.