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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



one of the stages in the commission of a crime. According to Soviet criminal law, an attempt is a deliberate action immediately directed at the commission of a crime, which is not brought to completion for reasons independent of the will of the guilty person. A distinction is made between complete and incomplete attempts, depending on whether the guilty person did everything he considered necessary to carry out his intention. A further distinction is made between attempts in circumstances that make accomplishment of the criminal objective impossible (faulty attempts; negodnye pokusheniia) and attempts where it is possible (godnye pokusheniia). Punishment for an attempt is set according to the statute that provides for liability for the corresponding crime, with regard for the nature and degree of social danger of the actions, the degree of accomplishment of the criminal intention, and the factors that prevented the crime from being brought to completion.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Most (92%) suicide attempters tried to kill themselves by drug overdose; lethality, as measured by the LRS, was low (1.76 [+ or -] 1).
Fifty-nine (39 male and 25 female) suicide attempters with no previous suicide records were selected as the experimental group.
Thus, one of the extreme points on the conditional 'axis' along which differentiation occurs between female suicide attempters and healthy volunteers is the combination of low values in factors E, C and A(i.e., probably high values on the psychoticism scale), relating to personality deviations with expressed social disadaptation, a decrease in self-regulation, a tendency towards 'avoidance' coping, and an inability to manage problems.
where b is a measure of the attempter's distaste for the suicide attempt.
Psychiatric disorders were found in 88% of suicide attempters. Most of the females with psychiatric disorder attempted suicide compared to males.
In a study carried out with suicide attempters and non-attempters, it has been determined that impulsiveness scores of patients suffering from depression lowers in both groups after treatment, but impulsiveness scores were found to be higher in suicide attempters group both before and after treatment (26).
Personality disorders and health problems distinguish suicide attempters from completers in a direct comparison.
Although the current study was performed in Tehran, our hospital is a great referral centre for treating suicide attempters from throughout the country with various ethnicities, behaviours and religious affiliations.
Successful attempters may declare that their partners were supportive about smoking cessation; oppositely, patients who could not manage quitting may tell that they had a low support from their partners.
The second group of SBAE teachers, illumination attempters, are motivated to illuminate science; however, lack the science knowledge necessary to connect science and society within SBAE curriculum.
The mean of the total score on the reasons for living inventory for the suicide attempters was 160.95 and mean for suicide non-attempters 180.1.