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In psychology, an aroused readiness to perceive, as in listening or looking; focusing of sense organs is sometimes involved.
[L. attendo, to bend to, notice]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


1. Being the principal physician supervising a patient's care.
2. Being a physician on the regular medical staff of a hospital.
1. The principal physician supervising a patient's care.
2. A staff physician in a hospital.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

attending physician

The physician who is on the medical staff of a hospital or healthcare facility, and legally responsible for the care given to a particular patient while in the hospital. A patient’s attending physician is also regarded as a person’s private physician, if that physician cares for the person on an individual and/or outpatient basis.
Terminal care
The physician (or designee) who is primarily responsible for the care and treatment of the individual upon whom a declaration of brain death is to be made.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. In psychology, an aroused readiness to perceive, as in listening or looking; focusing of sense organs is sometimes involved.
2. Colloquial for attending physician.
[L. attendo, to bend to, notice]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
Despite some strong criticism on social media, Johor Baru MP Akmal Nasrullah Nasir went ahead and attended an interfaith iftar programme at the Sikh gurdwara in the city centre here yesterday evening.
During her stay in Saudi Arabia, the premier attend the opening ceremony of the 14th session of the OIC's (Organisation of Islamic Conference's) Islamic Summit titled "Makkah Summit: Together for the Future" in Makkah on May 31.
In routine, 300 to 350 constables attend a lower course for promotion to head constable while 150 to 200 head constables are enrolled in the intermediate course for promotion as assistant sub-inspector.
Addressing the joint session of the Parliament, Shehbaz Sharif thanked FM Qureshi for giving respect to the house's sentiments and deciding not to attend the OIC meeting.
A high-level delegation will attend the moot in place of the foreign minister.
During the meeting, it was decided that the PML-N delegation led by Zafarul Haq would attend the APC and the party would work with the opposition on issues of national importance.
According to the media reports, JUI-F chief met Nawaz Sharif at his Jati Umra residence earlier today to convince him to attend the APC scheduled for October 31.
Vice President Mike Pence spoke on behalf of the Trump administration at the ceremony honoring McCain, who did not want President Donald Trump to attend his funeral in his final message.
Vice Mayor Bernard Al-Ag gave the slots to those who were not able to attend the first two SONAs of the president, a long-time city mayor who once elected as vice-mayor and presided the city council from 2010 to 2013.
The survey shows that 89.3 per cent attend day schools while 10.7 are in boarding schools.
(will attend University of South Carolina-Columbia)
Two sources close to the Clintons told New York Magazine Hillary Clinton had been debating whether she should attend the event with the help of her most trusted advisors and friends.