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Will Hillary Clinton Attend Trump's Inauguration?

Despite losing the 2016 Presidnetial Election, Hillary Clinton will reportedly attend President-Elect Donald Trump's inauguration on Jan. 20. Her husband, former U.S. President Bill Clinton, is also expected to attend Trump's ( swearing-in ceremony , according to a New York Magazine ( report Tuesday.

Two sources close to the Clintons told New York Magazine Hillary Clinton had been debating whether she should attend the event with the help of her most trusted advisors and friends. However, both Clintons reportedly decided attending the event was their civic duty, and the sources said the couple would show up at the inauguration out of respect for American democracy.

President George W. Bush and his wife, Laura Bush, are also expected to attend Trump's inaugural ceremony, reportedly saying in a statement that they were looking forward to witnessing "the peaceful transfer of power." Bush's father, George H.W. Bush, previously confirmed he would not be attending the inauguration. His spokesman, Jim McGrath, told Politico the 41st president's age, 92, was the reason why he would not be able to attend.

The 39th U.S. President Jimmy Carter was the ( first former president to confirm he would be in attendance at the 2017 inauguration, reportedly telling his Sunday school class in late December that he will be there to watch Trump be sworn in as the next president although he lent his support to Clinton during the candidate's 2016 campaign.

Former presidents are always invited to attend inauguration events. The last time all four living presidents attended an inauguration was when President Barak Obama won the 2008 election, all four living presidents including both Bushes, Carter and Clinton attending his 2009 inauguration. Carter and Clinton attending Obama's second Inauguration, but the Bushes did not, due to health complications George H.W. Bush was facing during the time.

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Publication:International Business Times - US ed.
Date:Jan 4, 2017
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