breakaway techniques

breakaway techniques

Those manoeuvres used by a health professional, case worker, police or other responsible carer or party, to break away from a violent patient without harming him or her. They do not include control or restraint methods. Breakaway skills require training, practice and regular refreshers; in the UK, psychiatrists must attend a breakaway course at the start of their training and annually thereafter.
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She credits being physically fit for having survived the assault, and believes breakaway techniques saved her life.
"Two years ago, we began a new programme of conflict resolution training for all staff, which consists of conflict recognition, avoidance, communication skills and breakaway techniques."
Six staff in the firm's First Legal Support business completed a BTEC in self defence and breakaway techniques in February.
They are required through their jobs to be on the road around the UK, and Plantec Holdings identified the need for training in self defence and breakaway techniques in the interests of personal safety.
"Staff are offered violence at work training which could include breakaway techniques and personal safety."
"It focuses on communications skills and only teaches breakaway techniques to be used as a last resort.
The one-day course concentrates on teaching nurses how to talk someone out of violence, as well as how to use breakaway techniques to escape the situation if all else fails.
Nurses then practice breakaway techniques. They learn, for example, that holds can be broken by exerting minimal pressure on certain points of the body, rather than through use of extreme force, says Purdy.