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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



one of the stages in the commission of a crime. According to Soviet criminal law, an attempt is a deliberate action immediately directed at the commission of a crime, which is not brought to completion for reasons independent of the will of the guilty person. A distinction is made between complete and incomplete attempts, depending on whether the guilty person did everything he considered necessary to carry out his intention. A further distinction is made between attempts in circumstances that make accomplishment of the criminal objective impossible (faulty attempts; negodnye pokusheniia) and attempts where it is possible (godnye pokusheniia). Punishment for an attempt is set according to the statute that provides for liability for the corresponding crime, with regard for the nature and degree of social danger of the actions, the degree of accomplishment of the criminal intention, and the factors that prevented the crime from being brought to completion.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
On December 29 at 9:15 p.m., a patrol officer with the Pendergrass Police Department was shot and killed while attempting to make a traffic stop.
He will be attempting to beat this later this year.
That is, if it is anticipated that the utility function can be positively affected by the act of attempting suicide, an attempt is more likely.
[1] In practical terms, this means that critics attempting to understand a literary text by placing it within the context of its creation must cross the constructed boundaries that exist between literary texts and historical documents, whether they be sermons, tracts, government papers, private letters, published or unpublished works, all of which are themselves texts.
However, women report attempting suicide about Suicide by firearms is the most common method for both men and women, accounting for 59 percent of all [Illegible Text] percent of all suicides are committed by white men, and 79 percent of all firearm suicides are committed by white rate was for white men over 85 years of age-65.3 per 100,000 persons.
n The majority of people attempting suicide, 68 per cent are under 35 years old.
Robbery--The taking or attempting to take anything of value from the care, custody, or control of a person or persons by force or threat of force or violence and/or by putting the victim in fear.
In particular, Philip Johnson, professor of law at University of California, Berkeley, has perhaps taken on the highest profile and most active schedule of those attempting to advance an anti-evolution agenda.
Thus, a resident who uses force in attempting to exit the facility is demonstrating a desire to promote a change in his/her condition.
Now they're attempting to chip away affirmative action provisions by attaching an endless stream of amendments to reauthorization bills.
Since the '50s, Brazilian artists and the institutional structures that support them have been attempting to carve a place for themselves in the contemporary canon, but in the last few years their efforts have been bolstered by the current wave of interest in the art of this part of the world, an interest motivated by, among other things, multiculturalist politics and the post-'80s recession.