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Wales needs funding for this; VIEWPOINTS.

A RECENT letter asked about free home care and how the UK Government plans will affect Wales. Mr Malcolm Mort asks if the Assembly is going to disadvantage Wales. The answer is no. The problem is that Wales is seriously underfunded. We are losing hundreds of million of pounds due to the failing of the funding system used by the UK Government.

Labour is attempting to end attendance allowance to pay for free home care in England. Whether there is time for the changes to be passed before the Westminster election is unclear.

The danger is that because of the financial system Wales will not receive the full amount necessary to finance the proposed system. The real battle is not to snipe at the Assembly but to force Gordon Brown's government to pay for free home care.

It is the government in London, not the Assembly, that wants to abolish attendance allowance for the disabled.

Plaid Cymru is fighting Labour's plans that will hit the most vulnerable people in the land.

Chris Franks AM/AC Plaid Cymru South Wales Central / Canol De Cymru

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Publication:South Wales Echo (Cardiff, Wales)
Article Type:Brief article
Geographic Code:4EUUK
Date:Dec 8, 2009
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