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Make sure you are claiming your benefit.

A CAMPAIGN has been launched to ensure that as many people as possible in Northumberland are claiming disability benefit.

Figures show that fewer elderly people in the county claim attendance allowance than nationally or in neighbouring areas - and the Northumberland Care Trust wants to ensure that people are not missing out.

Attendance allowance is paid to people over 65 who need extra help to keep active, stay healthy and continue to live in their own homes, even if they are not registered disabled or getting support from social services.

They could satisfy eligibility criteria if they need help with personal care such as getting in and out of bed, getting dressed, eating and drinking or personal safety. Despite the benefit being called attendance allowance, claimants don't have to be receiving help from someone to be eligible.

It is not means-tested and is paid at either pounds 47.80 or pounds 71.40 a week. Veronica Jones, who chairs the Northumberland Older Person's Partnership Board, said: "Not everyone who could claim attendance allowance is aware of it, and even when people have heard of it they don't realise they might be eligible.

"Many older people in Northumberland are missing out on up to pounds 71 per week which could be helping them remain independent in their own homes."

To find out more, visit or call the Department for Work and Pensions helpline.
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Publication:The Journal (Newcastle, England)
Date:Oct 5, 2010
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