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Labour threat to elderly and their carers; YOUR SHOUT.

JUST three weeks ago the Labour Party were lambasted for making false statements about the Conservatives by claiming if elected they would withdraw benefits from elderly disabled pensioners. Compare that with the welfare reform green paper being pushed through Parliament by the Department of Health led by Andy Burnham, pictured, where one proposal is the abolition of attendance allowance, disability allowance, disability living allowance and the carer's allowance.

This would plunge some five million elderly disabled pensioners and their carers into poverty. Although I am not a Tory I hope the Conservative party will remind voters just what the Labour Party have in store for the elderly disabled pensioner and their carers if they are returned to power.

I never thought I would witness the Labour party removing welfare benefits from such a vulnerable group as disabled pensioners and their family who have given up work to care for them. In all honesty, could you vote for a party about to abolish such benefits? This is not about better services but just one way of clearing the debt we are now in. Penalise the poorest members of society yet again.

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Publication:Evening Chronicle (Newcastle, England)
Date:Aug 8, 2009
Previous Article:Mining families' views on pit loss; YOUR SHOUT.
Next Article:Reader's poem.

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