terminal illness

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Related to terminal illness: terminal cancer

terminal illness

A term defined in UK Social Security legislation as: “a progressive disease where death as a consequence of that disease can reasonably be expected within 6 months”. Patients who are suffering from a terminal illness can claim Disability Living Allowance (DLA), Attendance Allowance (AA) or Incapacity Benefit (IB) under the so-called “special rules”.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.

ter·mi·nal ill·ness

(tĕrmi-năl ilnĕs)
Advanced disease state from which there is no expectation of recovery.
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about terminal illness

Q. I heard that HIV is no longer considered a terminal illness?!? I saw a T.V. program about it and they said it’s a “chronic disease”. What does that means?? Is it true?

A. It’s true, it’s no longer considered terminal, but believe me, don’t throw away your condoms…the medication prolongs life and give you a chance to live but they are expensive and have nasty side effects. Enough to make you consider stop using them, and then the HIV comes back like nothing happened. Protect your self. It’s MUCH cheaper and wiser..

More discussions about terminal illness
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References in periodicals archive ?
A pediatrician with experience in oncology, Lyttle doesn't shy away from or sugar-coat the issues that arise from having a terminal illness; rather, he clearly describes how the disease attacks, how the treatments available work and how ravaging the effects can be on the body, and the family.
Extra Life Option - On death due to accident, Extra Life Sum Assured chosen in addition to the base death benefit (on death & Terminal illness), is paid as Lump sum to the nominee and the policy terminates.
Many more, however, die from terminal illnesses every year, according to the "Right to Try" advocacy group affiliated with the Goldwater Institute.
'As a Briton who has lived and worked in California for many years, it is an utter disgrace that, in the event of terminal illness, I would be denied this right in the UK.
The charity, which supports people with terminal illnesses, has been on a bumper fundraising drive for its 30th Great Daffodil Appeal.
Song For Marion is a comedic drama about personal triumph and reconciliation in the wake of terminal illness, anchored by Stamp''s superb performance.
EoACAo He gets a terminal illness before the last 18 months of the cover term
Kansas City, MO, January 05, 2012 --(PR.com)-- This year, Internet startup LiveOn.com will pick 5 people facing terminal illness or debilitating disease and capture their lives on LiveOn, scanning and preserving their entire life's photos and videos for free and helping them tell their life story so it never fades away.
Washington, May 11 (ANI): Music can provide a great source of solace to people who face a terminal illness and are confined to a hospital bed or hospice room, according to a new study.
Cascade Hospice - Seeks people to provide companionship for people facing terminal illness, respite for their caregivers, massage and music therapists.
I felt grateful that I didn't have a terminal illness. I felt grateful that my husband was willing to help me cope with this lifelong challenge.
Nationwide's Ultimate Universal Life includes riders to access the death benefit for long-term-care expenses or terminal illness along with a patent-pending Automated Premium Monitor to help policyholders keep up with required premiums.

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