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Related to Atte: Arte


1.At the.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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ATTE A NTION this weekend." turns to the roads and the Bupa Great North Run, firmly established as the world's greatest half marathon.
On the other hand, Atte Kaleva and Layla Kaleva, Finnish couple expressed their happiness for being in Oman after being freed.
They said they were shocked when he scooped the top prize of a 20 inch x 16inch canvas print, 10 weeks of Wa-from out after that the boat was cal 11am o from Ho confi of a sm spotted harb crew atte recovered ter Babies classes, a wetsuit, a waterproof nappy, and an underwater photo shoot with three digital prints.
Orginally from Finland, Atte Miettinen is a Dubai expat who works in telecoms.
SERVICE companies across Kirklees are being invited to atte a major one-day event aimed at promoting overseas opportunitie The UK Trade & Investment's conference - Seizing Global Opportunities: A one day event f the Services Sector - will showcase Yorkshire's strength in the services sector and highligh opportunities opening up across the world.
The service, which is open to the public, will be atte nded by local mayors, Middlesbrough MP Sir Stuart Bell, councillors, war veterans, combined services and families of Holocaust victims.
Meanwhile, Steve says he is determined that his charitable commitments will increase in the future andwill hopefully helpsome lesser known institutions which don't usually get much atte ntion.
It came from a long Myhill ball with Michael Turner get ting forward to reach a Zay atte flick-on and shoot at Marton Fulop.
SONUT, which bottles Schweppes in Egypt, said on its Website that Coca-Cola atte mpted to undercut and run it out of business after it refused to sell its shares
The company said that a number of experts have contributed to the book, including: Professor Sirkka Heinonen, a future researcher; Airbus strategist Pascal Huet; Professor of Environmental Change Atte Korhola; Sirpa Juutinen of the auditing firm PricewaterhouseCoopers; Rainer Von-Wrede of Airbus; journalist Heikki Haapavaara; artist Kauko Helavuo; and IATA's Director of Aviation Environment Paul Steele; along with Airbus experts Henrik Roesner, Joao Frota and Ingo Wuggetzer.
Sophomore Atte Uola scored the winning goal with just over 2:30 left to lift the Greyhounds (1-1) over the Rams (0-2) in the consolation game of the Dunkin' Donuts Cup.
For example, in June of 1412, Katherine wife of John atte Mulle, who not only left her husband, but also wasted his goods, was sworn to stay and look after him on pain of 100s.