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Genocide victims honoured.

VICTIMS of the Holocaust and other genocides will be remembered in Middlesbrough on Sunday when a memorial service will be held.

The Reverend Paul Ferguson, Archdeacon for Cleveland will lead the service at the United Reformed Church on Linthorpe Road from 12.30pm to 1.15pm.

The service, which is open to the public, will be atte nded by local mayors, Middlesbrough MP Sir Stuart Bell, councillors, war veterans, combined services and families of Holocaust victims.

Joe Gellert, from Ponteland, who lost 35 family members to Nazi persecution will read the opening address.

The central focus for Holocaust Memorial Day remains the Second WorldWar Holocaust, which is commemorated on January 27 each year -the anniversary of the liberation of the concentration camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1945.

However the event also commemorates victims of recent attrocities such as those in Cambodia, Ruanda, Bosnia, Kosovo and Darfur.

Middlesbrough Mayor Ray Mallon said: "The aspirations of those who have suffered from the effects of the Holocaust and genocide should inform our lives today."

Fordetails on the service callMargaret Thompson on 01642 829223.
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Publication:Evening Gazette (Middlesbrough, England)
Date:Jan 29, 2010
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