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Foreign Affairs Ministry Statement on Austrian citizen, two Finnish citizens missing in Yemen.

Muscat, May 9 (ONA)---An official at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has said that, in implementation of the Royal directives of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said to provide all support to meet the request of the governments of Austria and Finland seeking assistance to find an Austrian citizen and two Finnish citizens -- a man and his wife -- lost in Yemen since December 2012, the Omani authorities concerned, acting in coordination with the Yemeni authorities, found the missing and transported them to the Sultanate to receive necessary medical care in preparation for their return back home. Dominik Neubauer from Austria expressed his deep thanks and appreciation for the humanitarian deed of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said as his release was due to the great efforts made by His Majesty's government. He thanked his government for its cooperation with the Sultanate's government to free him. He added that he will not forget these sincere efforts. On the other hand, Atte Kaleva and Layla Kaleva, Finnish couple expressed their happiness for being in Oman after being freed. They hailed the Directives of His Majesty the Sultan and the efforts made by the Omani government to release them and ensure their safe return to their families. --- Ends/MS/KH

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Publication:Oman News Agency
Date:May 9, 2013
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