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Serving up sound advice.

e end e es.

SERVICE companies across Kirklees are being invited to atte a major one-day event aimed at promoting overseas opportunitie The UK Trade & Investment's conference - Seizing Global Opportunities: A one day event f the Services Sector - will showcase Yorkshire's strength in the services sector and highligh opportunities opening up across the world.

for nt n s n nd Delegates can learn how to take their services overseas or expan existing operations and gain valuable insight on high-growth emerging markets that require expertise around services. There will also be opportunities hear from other services companies already trading internationally and hear speeche from Yorkshire Bank chief economist Tom Vosa and busine psychologist John Potter. to e es ess e to e The event takes place from 9am 3pm on Thursday, July 14, at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Leeds. Tel Adele Baig at UKTI on 0113 394 9823 or email [email protected].

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Title Annotation:Business
Publication:Huddersfield Daily Examiner (Huddersfield, England)
Date:Jul 12, 2011
Previous Article:Marketing on a tight budget.
Next Article:Ben's walk of faith to Devon; 322-mile trek to provide help in Zimbabwe.

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