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(Plants) a flowering palm tree of South Asia found in saline coastal habitats
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
palma nipa
palma nipa
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He silenced it with a sign, "Enough!" An owl hooted far away, exulting in the delight of deep gloom in dense foliage; overhead lizards ran in the attap thatch, calling softly; the dry leaves of the roof rustled; the rumour of mingled voices grew louder suddenly.
For example, the "rambutan" and "durian" trees refuse to abide by the relocation scheme; rather, they decide to live in their homeland along with the mangosteen, guava and wax apple: "the leaves of the abandoned attap / rotted in the wild grass / they are the pages / of years torn by wind and rains" [phrase omitted] [Homeland after Eviction]).
Priests had previously visited the attap houses of parishioners on a daily basis.
The most unsettling thing about the house was that because there was a ceiling made of some kind of hardboard between the attap and the room below, I could hear the rats scampering to and fro.
In a letter to a friend in Australia he wrote: "The French missionary clergy are the most disinterested and self-denying men living in the very poorest attap houses on a mere pittance..." (19) But Woods was also a realistic observer of the colonial scene, and neither his own role as a missionary priest nor his friendship with French missionaries blinded him to the problems which arose when missionary endeavour became entangled with colonial expansion.
As of October 1991, Allison reported the following on its ATTAP contract: "...over 3340 rotating test rig and engine test-hours have been accumulated on over 2170 ceramic components.
Aside from promoting tourism, this is also part of ATTAP and DOT's corporate social responsibility.
(42) There were only five rows of attap longhouses standing on the newly cleared sandy land.
In contrast to that, the indigeneous 'kampung' houses in Malaysia has a few lessons to offer with good thermal performance, notably with the prescence of its extensive overhangs, large ventilation openings and highly insulated attap roofs [2], [3].
The photos of the rivers are populated with boats and people going about their daily activities--a family on their way to town, traders selling household goods such as flour, cooking oil, and other necessities, children on their way to and from school, men or women towing sago logs home from the sago gardens, taking a load of rasped sago home from the rasping cottage for trampling, or bringing home a boatload of palm leaves to make attap, as well as women trampling sago on the platforms that lined the rivers.