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Baby of the Year's set for model career; 'MIRACLE' TOT DAVID'S ON BOOKS OF AGENCY.


A MIRACLE baby will soon be enjoying life behind the lens after being snapped up by a modelling agency.

Little David Taylor may only be eight months old, but he's already been crowned the Daily Post Baby of the Year.

And now his cheeky photographs posted online by his parents Carla Jones and David Taylor have attracted the attention of Talent Management, who contacted the family and asked to put the infant on their books.

Speaking to the Daily Post yesterday, Carla said: "After David won Baby of the Year and had his pictures taken professionally, I loaded the pictures online and the modelling agency got in touch. "We will be putting together a little portfolio so that it can be sent out to other companies, we've been told he may also be called to be a TV extra.

DAILY POST October 20, "We are really excited." The couple from Towyn had been struggling to conceive and were about to oomm..

embark on IVF fertility treatment when Carla fell pregnant.

By find The 26-year-old said: "We'd been trying for seven years for a baby. I got told I couldn't have kids and we were going to Liverpool for meetings about IVF fertility treatment when I fell pregnant.

We didn't end up having IVF after all."

So proud of the child they never thought they would have, Carla and David entered David junior into the nought to nine months category of the Baby of the Year Competion last year.

They said they were shocked when he scooped the top prize of a 20 inch x 16inch canvas print, 10 weeks of Wa-from out after that the boat was cal 11am o from Ho confi of a sm spotted harb crew atte recovered ter Babies classes, a wetsuit, a waterproof nappy, and an underwater photo shoot with three digital prints.

finishes you "We were over the moon when David won," said Carla.

ooman SAW Mochdre, c "He's crawling and teething now and he's into everything. "We're so proud of him."

[email protected]


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Publication:Daily Post (Conwy, Wales)
Date:Mar 16, 2013
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