
(redirected from baby-sat)
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Synonyms for baby-sit

take watchful responsibility for

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work or act as a baby-sitter


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References in periodicals archive ?
To pass on the virus to your sister you would need to have contracted it from the child you baby-sat.
He baby-sat for her regularly between November 2001 and March 2002 when the four-year-old girl told her mother that Tann did ``rude things to her'' just before his arrest.
The lady who baby-sat also answered the phones during lunch hour.
According to the police, Shiozawa often baby-sat Minaho as they lived in the same quarters and Shiozawa and Tanaka's mother were from the same hometown.
The American father embroiled in an Internet adoption case has been arrested on suspicion of molesting two teenage sisters who baby-sat for him, police said yesterday.
LAST Saturday I baby-sat for my two granddaughters, Johanna and Camille, together with Pa Kinnock.
If you asked him how he earned his paycheck last week, though, he would tell you about how he baby-sat a trio of wet-nosed pop idols and coaxed a stage-frightened disco diva out of a toilet stall.
The girl alleges the soldier raped her as she baby-sat for the accused's mother.
It is understood the 12-year-old, who had baby-sat Molly before, raised the alarm with an aunt of the toddler.
The 30-year-old was snatched on Tuesday as he baby-sat at home in Lurgan, Co Armagh.