References in classic literature ?
So he called aloud that he whom he should choose, and who would stand back to back with him in the fray, if victory were theirs, should be the first after him among the People of the Axe, and as he called, he walked slowly down the line scanning the faces of all, till he came to where Galazi stood leaning on the Watcher.
"Say, now, Wolf, are you willing to stand back to back with me in this fray of two against ten?
"Yet, because you have shown yourself a warrior of might, and to taste again of the joy of battle, I will stand back to back with you, Axebearer, and see this matter ended."
When he had looked long, the pair took their stand back to back in the centre of the kraal, and people saw that Umslopogaas held the axe in a new fashion, its curved blade being inwards towards his breast, and the hollow point turned towards the foe.
Discovering that I was a stranger, he lifted a thick cudgel that he carried with him, shook it threateningly, and called to me in his own language (as I gathered by his actions) to stand back. A stranger in Eukhuizen at that time of night was evidently reckoned as a robber in the estimation of this citizen!
"Now, stand back!" cried the Sheriff in a mighty voice, for the crowd pressed around on all sides.
"Stand back, Sheriff!" cried Little John; and even as he spoke, a bugle horn sounded shrilly and a clothyard shaft whistled within an inch of the Sheriff's head.
the fire-engine!" shouted two or three voices, "stand back, make way!" and clattering and thundering over the stones two horses dashed into the yard with a heavy engine behind them.
It's lucky he couldn't get fur into the church and had to stand back by the door, for as it was, he made a spectacle of himself.
Of course it takes hard work and all of it is the result of something, but I often just stand back and go: 'How?
He said: "Mayo attacked them and were aggressive with them whereas a lot of teams stand back and admire them and, as I said, if you do that to the Dubs they will destroy you, there is no other way about it.
But before the Bearded One released the shot, he first waited for Johnson to stand back up as Harden capped off the nasty move with the triple to stretch Houston's lead to 31-7.