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Related to sale: sail


the act of selling; the amount sold; disposal of goods at reduced prices; an event where goods are sold; a public auction
Not to be confused with:
sail – a piece of canvas or other fabric extended on rigging to catch the wind and propel a sailing vessel; an apparatus that catches the wind on a windmill; to move along or travel over water
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree


a. The exchange of goods or services for an amount of money or its equivalent; the act of selling: The sale of such a nice house should be easy.
b. A selling of property to the highest bidder; an auction.
2. An offer or arrangement in which goods are sold at a discount: The store has a sale on winter coats.
3. sales
a. The business or activity of selling goods or services: She works in sales.
b. The number of items sold or the amount of money received for a number of items sold: Sales are better than expected.
for sale
Available to customers: a store where pets are for sale.
on sale
1. Available to customers: That vegetable should be on sale at your local grocery.
2. Available to customers at a special discount: Bathing suits are on sale.

[Middle English, from Old English sala, from Old Norse.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Commerce) the exchange of goods, property, or services for an agreed sum of money or credit
2. (Commerce) the amount sold
3. (Commerce) the opportunity to sell; market: there was no sale for luxuries.
4. (Commerce) the rate of selling or being sold: a slow sale of synthetic fabrics.
5. (Commerce)
a. an event at which goods are sold at reduced prices, usually to clear old stocks
b. (as modifier): sale bargains.
6. (Commerce) an auction
[Old English sala, from Old Norse sala. See also sell]


1. (Placename) a town in NW England, in Trafford unitary authority, Greater Manchester: a residential suburb of Manchester. Pop: 55 234 (2001)
2. (Placename) a city in SE Australia, in SE Victoria: centre of an agricultural region. Pop: 12 854 (2001)


(French sale)
(Placename) a port in NW Morocco, on the Atlantic adjoining Rabat. Pop: 880 000 (2003)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. the act of selling.
2. a special offering of goods, esp. at reduced prices.
3. transfer of property for money or credit.
a. an amount or quantity sold.
b. sales, total receipts from selling.
5. opportunity to sell; demand.
6. an auction.
7. sales, a department or division, as in a business, concerned with selling and promoting goods, services, etc.
for sale, available for purchase.
8. on sale, able to be bought at reduced prices.
[before 1050; late Old English sala c. Old High German, Old Norse sala; akin to sell]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. 'sale'

The sale of something is the act of selling it, or the occasion on which it is sold.

They introduced stricter controls on the sale of weapons.
Our agency can help you with the sale of your house.

A sale is an event in which a shop sells things at a reduced price.

The shoe shop is having a sale.
I got this jacket for only £25 in the sale.
2. 'for sale'

If something is for sale or up for sale, its owner is trying to sell it.

I asked whether the car was for sale.
Their house is up for sale.
3. 'on sale'

A product that is on sale is available for people to buy.

There were no English newspapers on sale.
Their new album is now on sale.

In American English, if something is on sale, it is available at a reduced price.

On sale. Slacks marked down from $39.95 to $20.00.
I usually buy whichever brand of toothpaste is on sale.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: - a particular instance of selling; "he has just made his first sale"; "they had to complete the sale before the banks closed"
marketing, merchandising, selling - the exchange of goods for an agreed sum of money
divestiture - the sale by a company of a product line or a subsidiary or a division - the general activity of sellingsale - the general activity of selling; "they tried to boost sales"; "laws limit the sale of handguns"
auction sale, vendue, auction - the public sale of something to the highest bidder
marketing, merchandising, selling - the exchange of goods for an agreed sum of money
sell - the activity of persuading someone to buy; "it was a hard sell" - an occasion (usually brief) for buying at specially reduced prices; "they held a sale to reduce their inventory"; "I got some great bargains at their annual sale"
bazaar, fair - a sale of miscellany; often for charity; "the church bazaar"
boot sale, car boot sale - an outdoor sale at which people sell things from the trunk of their car
clearance sale, inventory-clearance sale - a sale to reduce inventory
closeout - a sale intended to dispose of all remaining stock
fire sale - a sale of merchandise supposedly damaged by fire
fire sale - a sale of assets at very low prices typically when the seller faces bankruptcy
garage sale, yard sale - an outdoor sale of used personal or household items held on the seller's premises
going-out-of-business sale - a sale of all the tangible assets of a business that is about to close; "during the Great Depression going-out-of-business sales were very common"
realisation, realization - a sale in order to obtain money (as a sale of stock or a sale of the estate of a bankrupt person) or the money so obtained
jumble sale, rummage sale - a sale of donated articles
selloff - a sale of a relatively large number of assets (stocks or bonds or commodities) at a low price typically done to dispose of them rather than as normal trade
white sale - a sale of household linens
occasion - an opportunity to do something; "there was never an occasion for her to demonstrate her skill" - the state of being purchasable; offered or exhibited for selling; "you'll find vitamin C for sale at most pharmacies"; "the new line of cars will soon be on sale"
merchantability - the state of being fit for market; ready to be bought or sold - an agreement (or contract) in which property is transferred from the seller (vendor) to the buyer (vendee) for a fixed price in money (paid or agreed to be paid by the buyer)sale - an agreement (or contract) in which property is transferred from the seller (vendor) to the buyer (vendee) for a fixed price in money (paid or agreed to be paid by the buyer); "the salesman faxed the sales agreement to his home office"
conditional sale - a sale in which the buyer receives title to the property only upon the performance of some condition (usually the full payment of the purchase price)
execution sale, forced sale, judicial sale, sheriff's sale - a sale of property by the sheriff under authority of a court's writ of execution in order satisfy an unpaid obligation
agreement, understanding - the statement (oral or written) of an exchange of promises; "they had an agreement that they would not interfere in each other's business"; "there was an understanding between management and the workers"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. selling, marketing, dealing, trading, transaction, disposal, vending Efforts were made to limit the sale of alcohol.
2. auction, fair, mart, bazaar The Old Master was bought at the Christie's sale.
for sale available to buy, on sale, on offer, on the market, in stock, obtainable, purchasable His former home is for sale.
on sale going cheap, reduced, at a discount, at a reduced price He bought a sports jacket on sale at the shop.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
بَيْعبَيْع رَخيصمَزاد عَلَني
eladásengedményes vásárárusítás
aukciono patalpaaukciono salėišpardavimasmokėjimas prekiautipardavėja
na razprodajinaprodajprodajarazprodaja
satışucuzlukindirimli satış
sự bán


A. N
1. [of item, object, house] → venta f
newspaper sales have fallenha descendido la venta de periódicos
sale and lease backventa y arrendamiento al vendedor
is it for sale?¿está en venta?
the house is for salela casa está en venta, esta casa se vende
it's not for saleno está en venta
to put a house up for saleponer una casa en venta
"for sale"se vende
to be on sale (Brit) → estar a la venta (US) → estar rebajado
on sale at all fishmongersde venta en todas las pescaderías
it's going cheap for a quick salese ofrece a bajo precio porque se tiene prisa en venderlo
it found a ready salese vendió pronto
on a sale or return basisen depósito
2. (= event) → rebajas fpl
there's a sale on at Harrodsen Harrods están de rebajas
"sale" (in shop window) → rebajas
clearance saleliquidación f (total)
he bought a leather jacket in a salecompró una chaqueta de cuero en unas rebajas
the January saleslas rebajas de enero
the sales are onhay rebajas
3. (= auction) → subasta f
see also jumble C
B. CPD sale goods NPLartículos mpl rebajados
sale item Nartículo m rebajado
sale price N (= cost) → precio m de venta; (= reduced cost) → precio m rebajado, precio m de rebaja
sales agent Nagente mf de ventas
sales assistant N (Brit) → dependiente/a m/f
sales brochure Nfolleto m publicitario
sales budget Npresupuesto m de ventas
sales campaign Ncampaña f de promoción y venta
sales check N (US) → hoja f de venta
sales clerk N (US) → dependiente/a m/f
sales conference Nconferencia f de ventas
sales department Nsección f de ventas
sales drive Npromoción f de ventas
sales executive Nejecutivo/a m/f de ventas
sales figures NPLcifras fpl de ventas
sales force Npersonal m de ventas
sales forecast Nprevisión f de ventas
sales invoice Nfactura f de ventas
sales leaflet Nfolleto m publicitario
sales ledger Nlibro m de ventas
sales literature Nfolletos mpl de venta
sales manager Njefe/a m/f de ventas
sales meeting Nreunión f de ventas
sales office Noficina f de ventas
sales pitch Nrollo m publicitario
sales promotion Ncampaña f de promoción de ventas
sales rep, sales representative Nrepresentante mf, agente mf comercial
sales resistance Nresistencia f a comprar
sales slip N (US) (= receipt) → hoja f de venta
sales talk Njerga f de vendedor
sales tax N (US) → impuesto m sobre las ventas
sale value Nvalor m comercial, valor m en el mercado
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= act of selling) → vente f
new laws to control the sale of guns → de nouvelles lois pour contrôler les ventes d'armes
for sale → à vendre
The factory's for sale → L'usine est en vente.
"for sale" (on sign)vendre"
to put sth up for sale → mettre qch en vente
on sale → en vente
on sale or return → vendu(e) avec faculté de retour
(at reduced prices)soldes mpl
There's a sale on at Harrods → Ce sont les soldes chez Harrods. closing-down sale
(= occasion) → vente f
an antiques sale → une vente d'antiquités
sales npl
(= quantity sold) → ventes fpl
Book sales have gone up → Les ventes de livres ont augmenté.
(= job) → vente f (= part of business) → ventes fpl
She works in sales → Elle travaille dans la vente.
This is our head of sales → Je vous présente notre chef des ventes.
sales modif [brochure, literature] → publicitaire; [forecast, projection] → des ventes; [target] → de vente; [agreement, contract] → de vente; [division, section, manager] → des ventes sales call, sales executive
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(= selling)Verkauf m; for salezu verkaufen; to put something up for saleetw zum Verkauf anbieten; is it up for sale?steht es zum Verkauf?; not for salenicht verkäuflich; going cheap for a quick saleumständehalber billig abzugeben; to be on saleverkauft werden; on sale at all bookshopsin allen Buchhandlungen erhältlich; on a sale or return basisauf Kommission(sbasis)
(instance) → Geschäft nt; (of insurance, bulk order)Abschluss m; sales pl (= turnover)der Absatz; how many sales have you made?wie viel (Stück) haben Sie verkauft?; (of insurance etc)wie viele Abschlüsse haben Sie gemacht?; we’ve made no sale to Chinamit China haben wir keine Geschäfte abgeschlossen; “no sale (on till) → ˜ Nullbon
sales sing (= department)Verkaufsabteilung f
(at reduced prices) → Rabattaktion f, → Ausverkauf m; (at end of season) → Schlussverkauf m; (= clearance sale)Räumungsverkauf m; to go to the saleszum Ausverkauf gehen; they’ve got a sale onda ist eine Rabattaktion; in the sale, on sale (US) → im (Sonder)angebot; to buy in or at the salesim Ausverkauf kaufen
(= auction, selling off)Auktion f; sale of workBasar m


sale and leaseback
nVerkauf mmit Rückmiete
sale price
nAusverkaufspreis m
nAuktionsraum m
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[seɪl] n
a. (of article) → vendita (also auction sale) → vendita all'asta
"for sale" (one article) → "vendesi" (two or more articles) → "vendonsi"
to put a house up for sale → mettere in vendita una casa
to be on sale → essere in vendita
b. (Comm) (also sales) → svendita, saldi mpl
to be on sale (Am) → essere in saldi or in svendita
she bought a dress in the sale(s) → ha comprato un vestito nei saldi
the January sales → i saldi di fine anno
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(seil) noun
1. the act of giving something to someone in exchange for money. the sale of a house; Sales of cars have increased.
2. in a shop etc, an offer of goods at lowered prices for a short time. I bought my dress in a sale.
3. an event at which goods are sold. an auction sale; a book sale.
ˈsaleroom noun
a room or building where public auctions are held. His furniture was taken to the saleroom.
ˈsalesman (ˈseilz-) plural ˈsalesmen feminine ˈsaleswoman (plural ˈsaleswomen), ˈsalesgirl noun
a person who sells, or shows, goods to customers in a shop etc.
ˈsalesmanship (ˈseilz-) noun
the art of persuading people to buy things.
for sale
intended to be sold. Have you any pictures for sale?
sale of work
an event at which articles usually made by members of an association are sold to raise money. a sale of work at the church.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


بَيْع prodej salg Verkauf πώληση venta myynti vente prodaja vendita 販売 판매 verkoop salg sprzedaż venda продажа rea การขาย satış sự bán 销售
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
Clare servants; and the gentleman to whom they belong, and to whom the money for their sale is to be transmitted, is a member of a Christian church in New York, who will receive the money, and go thereafter to the sacrament of his Lord and theirs, and think no more of it.
At Middlemarch in those times a large sale was regarded as a kind of festival.
"I got this box at old Dives's sale," Pincher says, handing it round, "one of Louis XV's mistresses-- pretty thing, is it not?--sweet miniature," and they talk of the way in which young Dives is dissipating his fortune.
One day by chance he found a tame Partridge for sale. He purchased it and brought it home to be reared with his Gamecocks.
THE Chief of the Weather Bureau having predicted a fine day, a Thrifty Person hastened to lay in a large stock of umbrellas, which he exposed for sale on the sidewalk; but the weather remained clear, and nobody would buy.
At this sale, of course I found myself in company with the old broken-down horses -- some lame, some broken-winded, some old, and some that I am sure it would have been merciful to shoot.
Tom forged a bill of sale and sold him mother to an Arkansas cotton planter for a trifle over six hundred dollars.
So everybody was pleased when Sally Henny Penny sent out a printed poster to say that she was going to re-open the shop-- "Henny's Opening Sale! Grand co-operative Jumble!
Philip made a poster for the summer sale and Athelny took it away.
"But reflect, madame, upon the effect which will be produced by the sale of your jewels."
He had been what is known in some parts of the Union (which is admittedly a free country) as a "merchant"; that is to say, he kept a retail shop for the sale of such things as are commonly sold in shops of that character.
Tulliver, still confident that he should gain his suit, and finding it eminently inconvenient to raise the said sum until that desirable issue had taken place, had rashly acceded to the demand that he should give a bill of sale on his household furniture and some other effects, as security in lieu of the bond.