Dnieper River

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Noun1.Dnieper River - a river that rises in Russia near Smolensk and flowing south through Belarus and Ukraine to empty into the Black SeaDnieper River - a river that rises in Russia near Smolensk and flowing south through Belarus and Ukraine to empty into the Black Sea
Russian Federation, Russia - a federation in northeastern Europe and northern Asia; formerly Soviet Russia; since 1991 an independent state
Belarus, Belorussia, Byelarus, Byelorussia, Republic of Belarus, White Russia - a landlocked republic in eastern Europe; formerly a European soviet
Ukraine, Ukrayina - a republic in southeastern Europe; formerly a European soviet; the center of the original Russian state which came into existence in the ninth century
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References in periodicals archive ?
Czekotowski was born on 2 March 1901 in Yekaterinoslav (until 2016 known as Dniepropetrowsk, at present Dniepr) in the Ukraine.
The Catacomb sites dated to the same period in Kalmykia, the Lower Don (Shishlina 2007), and the Dniepr regions (Nikolova 1999; Pustovalov 2003; Kaiser 2011).
[beaucoup moins que]Si la guerre eclate en deca et au-dela du Dniepr, ce sera la premiere guerre causee par le refus d'adhesion de populations europeennes a cet ensemble[beaucoup plus grand que], disent-ils.
Vega carries light satellites weighing between 300 and 2,500 kg - a category dominated until now by converted Russian strategic missiles, such as the Rockot or Dniepr models.
The films he made in Ukraine--The Eleventh Year (1928; about the massive Dniepr Hydroelectric Station, then under construction), Man with a Movie Camera, and Enthusiasm: Symphony of the Donbass (1930; Vertov's first sound film)--arguably constitute the center of his corpus.
Ecotoxicological investigation in cooling water reservoirs of NPP and Dniepr cascade water reservoirs by using biotest, Ekologija 1: 74-81.
DubaiSat-1 will go into space on July 25, aboard a Russian Dniepr rocket that will carry six other satellites from UK, US and Spain.
(34) Colonel Hugh Cooper, an American engineer overseeing the construction of the huge Dniepr dam, claimed to have used his influence with the Soviet government to have the film canceled; indeed, he was so incensed about Soviet propaganda among African Americans that in 1932 he talked to Vyacheslav Molotov, Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, and received the assurance that no more blacks would be allowed into the country and that the "Negro venture in Russia" was at an end.
The story told here of the Penner family is a fascinating one, from its origins among downwardly mobile Mennonite ancestors who once owned an estate on the west bank of the Dniepr River to Jacob's "form of marriage without clergy" to a Jewish orphan from Odessa, Rose Shapak.
The surrounding area and the Dniepr river basin could be contaminated unless the highly radioactive material under the shelter is adequately isolated from the environment.