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Related to Dniestr: Dnestr, Dniepr, Prut River


Dniester (nēˈstər), Ukr. Dnister, Moldovan Nistru, Rus. Dnestr, Rom. Nistrul, Turk. Turla, river, c.850 mi (1,370 km) long, forming part of the border between Ukraine and Moldova. It rises in the Carpathian Mts., flows generally SE through SW Ukraine past Halych, Khotin, and Mohyliv-Podilskyy, through Moldova past Tighina and Tiraspol, and empties through an estuary into the Black Sea SW of Odessa. It is navigable below Halych; its tributaries include the Sereth and the Stryy. The Dniester formed the Romanian-Soviet border from 1918 to 1940, when the USSR regained Bessarabia.
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a river in E Europe, rising in Ukraine, in the Carpathian Mountains and flowing generally southeast to the Black Sea. Length: 1411 km (877 miles)
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
Dans cette meme annee, TUE met en place le projet de consolidation de la confiance sur les deux cotes du fleuve Dniestr. Il est important de remarquer Timportance accordee a la dimension securitaire par la cooperation europeenne.
Nous avons deja mentionne dans notre article qu'en 1992 le territoire du cote gauche du riviere Dniestr a autoproclame l'independance--la Republique Moldave Nistriene (Republica Moldoveneasca Nistreana).
La Roumanie essaye constant de proteger les interesses des moldaves ce qui veut souligner que la Roumanie a accepte avec difficulte le decoupage territorial en 1940 quand le territoire d'entre les rivieres Prut et Dniestr, est devenu la Republique Sovietique Socialiste Moldave dans la structure de l'Union Sovietique (9).
7) of similar age has been revealed also from the Silurian carbonates of the Dniestr basin, Ukraine (Jelenska et al.
Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic data from the Silurian succession of the Dniestr basin, Ukraine.
(1993): "Les chasseurs de renne de Kosoioutsy, site paleolithique tardif a plusieurs niveaux, sur le Dniestr moyen (Rapport preliminaire)", L'Anthropologie, t.
In 1789, in the midst of an early campaign in the second Turkish War (1789-92), Russia captured a Tartar fortress on the Black Sea, twenty miles north of the Dniestr River.
(38.) For example, demands for secession or autonomy in Abkhazia and Adzharia in Georgia in 1992; the Albanian community's attempt to unite with Albania and the Kosovo province to form greater Albania in Macedonia in 1990; and secession demands in the Gagauz and Dniestr regions of Moldova in 1990.
Using its ships and barges on the Dniepr, Bug, and Dniestr rivers, the company transported grain to Odessa and Nikolaev and then exported it to the Mediterranean, mainly to Italy.(3)
Transdniestria, situated east of the river Dniestr, has since 1991 tried to become an independent state with the initial military help of the Russians.