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Dnieper (nēˈpər), Belarusian Dnyapro, Rus. Dnepr, Ukr. Dnipro, river, c.1,430 mi (2,300 km) long, in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. One of the longest rivers in Europe, it rises in the Valdai Hills, W of Moscow. It flows generally S past Smolensk, through Belarus, past Mogilev, then through Ukraine, past Kiev, Cherkasy, Kremenchuk, Dnipro (Dnipropetrovsk), Zaporizhzhya (site of the Dniprohes dam), Nikopol, and Kherson into the Black Sea. Between Kremenchuk and Nikopol the Dnieper makes a vast bend to the east. It is the main river of Ukraine. Since the construction (1932) of the Dniprohes dam the Dnieper is navigable for virtually its entire course. Its tributaries include the Berezina, the Pripyat, and the Inhulets from the west and the Sozh, the Desna, the Orel, and the Samara from the east. The Dnieper is linked by canal with the Western Bug. Known as Borysthenes to the ancients, the river was (9th–11th cent.) a commercial route for the Vikings, Slavs, and Byzantines.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



in antiquity, the Greek name of Berezan’, an island in the northwestern Black Sea.



in ancient sources (Herodotus, Strabo, Pliny the Elder, and others), the Greek name for the Dnieper River.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Within their native range in the Dnieper River Delta and Dnieper-Bug Liman, Ukraine, which has no profundal zone, the 2 species have been dominant in different areas of water bodies or in different years in the same water body (Table 3).
Ukrhydroenergo, which owns hydro power plants on the Dnieper River, is a state controlled company with a total installed capacity of 3.9 GW.
the Dnieper River emerged as the geographical divide between the Atlantic and Russo-Siberian migration systems ..." (54)
Bayesian assignment tests, three-dimensional factorial component analysis, analysis of molecular variance, and contingency tests of genetic differentiation significantly link the central Great Lakes region with genotypes from the port of Kherson, Ukraine near the mouth of the Dnieper River in the north central Black Sea (p> 0.75).
What is surprising is that when sailing up the Dnieper River the Salient's captain would go ashore and come back with the Daily Mail or the Echo.
Today we can enjoy cruises on all of Europe's major river systems, from the tiny Douro River in northern Portugal to the mighty Volga of Russia and the Dnieper River in the Ukraine.
As Catherine and her royal entourage sailed down the Dnieper River, they beheld impressive villages along the banks -- testimony to Russia's booming development and productivity.
Startled, her mother told her that shortly before Koop's grandmother had died, she had dreamt she was drowning in the Dnieper River, only to discover that an angel was rescuing her.
Our quest was the former Mennonite village on the lower Dnieper River where our family had lived for 120 years until revolution, civil war, and famine led them to emigrate to Canada in 1926.
Last year, we had a preview of the Ukrainian segment of the cruise a comfortable way to sample the Dnieper River and the Black Sea.
1943 Soviet army crosses Dnieper River north of Kiev as Germans retreat in Second World War.