Do Not Increase

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Do Not Increase (DNI)

A restriction that an investor places on a good til' canceled order to prevent an order increase in the case of a stock dividend or stock split.
Copyright © 2012, Campbell R. Harvey. All Rights Reserved.

Do Not Increase

In a good til canceled order, an instruction to a broker not to increase the number of shares ordered in the event of a stock split. A stock split increases the number of shares outstanding by some stated ratio, and many brokers increase the number of shares asked or bid to compensate for this. A DNI instructs the broker not to do so.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved

do not increase

A directive that the number of shares in an order not be increased in the event of a stock split. The order to which such a directive is added may be either a limit order to buy stock or a stop order to sell stock.
Wall Street Words: An A to Z Guide to Investment Terms for Today's Investor by David L. Scott. Copyright © 2003 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Maguire, who was appointed Acting DNI by Trump, is the current Director of the National Counterterrorism Center.
OFAC said both DNI and Southern Cross specifically violated Chapter 31 of the Code of Federal Regulations u 501.602, which requires companies that receive an administrative subpoena to expeditiously provide accurate and complete information.
But if the miscellaneous expenses are substantial, and exceed the other deductions, we will end up with DNI in excess of accounting income, and the trust will end up paying tax on some ordinary income after using up the $300 standard deduction.
The mandate of the Office of the DNI is relatively weak.
For example, the DNI chief criticized Trump's behavior during the landmark Helsinki summit with Russia's President Vladimir Putin, claiming that it was "undeniable that the Russians are taking a lead".
It is the first true intelligence contract in DNI's history.
Our hypotheses were as follows: (1) delivering intensive, 2-week DNI training for people with PD will be feasible with high (>80%) retention and adherence rates; (2) participants randomly assigned to DNI training will exhibit greater gains in imagery abilities and disease severity and symptoms compared to participants engaged in the same amount of time in an in-home learning/exercise program over a matched time period; and (3) participants in DNI training will improve more in motor, spatial cognitive, and psychological functions compared to participants in an in-home learning/exercise program.
DNI itself acknowledged that these organizations have put the death toll at anywhere from 200 to more than 900 people, but said its calculations were based on more complete information.
The DNI study observes the ten main destinations for Argentine exports over the last year.
Dans l'[beaucoup moins que] ambiance dA[sup.3]insecurite [beaucoup plus grand que] qui est celle des attentats de Paris, le gouvernement espagnol a decide, lundi dernier, dA[sup.3]accelerer la fabrication du nouveau [beaucoup moins que] DNI electronique 3.0 [beaucoup plus grand que], une nouvelle carte dA[sup.3]identite nationale dont la falsification serait tres difficile, sinon impossible.