Dnieper Lowland

The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Dnieper Lowland


a lowland situated along the left bank of the Dnieper River in the Ukrainian SSR. It rises to elevations of 50 to 160 m, with a maximum elevation of 200 m; its widths reach 120 km. Bounded by the Central Russian and Dnieper uplands, the lowland is a wide valley of the Dnieper with a system of terraces above the floodplain. It is composed of fluvioglacial, alluvial, and lacustrine sands and of loams, loesses, and loess-like loams. Most of the area is tilled; livestock is raised and agriculture has been intensively developed.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Nucleotide diversity in most of Ukrainian and Moldavian Plateau populations was low and only populations from Romanian Plain and Dnieper Lowland (the Dnieper left bank) had higher values.
Among populations from Dnieper Lowland (DLL, DLR), Podolian Upland (PU), Volyn Upland (VU), Middle Russian Upland (MRU) and Crimea (CF) it was not possible to find any phylogeographic structure (Figs.
The greatest haplotype diversity occurred in an eastern part of the analysed area, the Dnieper Lowland (DLL samples).
E1 lineage might be the result of migration from the Dnieper Lowland Refuge area to the west and E0 linage would be the result of migration to the east.
In our research, these lineages were also grouped together but with some haplotypes from Dnieper Lowland (DLL) and Siberia (E7, Neumann et al.