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Synonyms for Dnieper

a river that rises in Russia near Smolensk and flowing south through Belarus and Ukraine to empty into the Black Sea

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References in periodicals archive ?
Among populations from Dnieper Lowland (DLL, DLR), Podolian Upland (PU), Volyn Upland (VU), Middle Russian Upland (MRU) and Crimea (CF) it was not possible to find any phylogeographic structure (Figs.
An examination of the sub-clusters shows the very close neighborhood of a number of fibulae from the Middle Dnieper region (Balakliia, Igren', Pastyrs'ke, and unknown location in the Dnipropetrovs'ke region).
Nevertheless, the first half of Dnieper comes alive only intermittently.
Here Pihido's stories of evacuated cattle abandoned along the Dnipro (Dnieper) and of peasants openly ignoring the Communists' calls for grain to be sent east shed light on how the rural population of Soviet Ukraine experienced the summer of 1941.
Today we can enjoy cruises on all of Europe's major river systems, from the tiny Douro River in northern Portugal to the mighty Volga of Russia and the Dnieper River in the Ukraine.
thundering across the plains with his hordes to the Dnieper, distant
As Catherine and her royal entourage sailed down the Dnieper River, they beheld impressive villages along the banks -- testimony to Russia's booming development and productivity.
Last year, we had a preview of the Ukrainian segment of the cruise a comfortable way to sample the Dnieper River and the Black Sea.
This month American Ballet Theatre mounts an all-Prokofiev program with Balanchine's enduring Prodigal Son; Kudelka's expressive ballet for seven couples, Desir, and Alexei Ratmansky's world premiere, On the Dnieper. June 1-6.