
(redirected from Dniestr)
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Related to Dniestr: Dnestr, Dniepr, Prut River


 (nē′stər, dnyĕ′-) or Dni·stro (nē′strō, dnyē′-)
A river rising in western Ukraine and flowing about 1,365 km (850 mi) generally southeast through eastern Moldova then back into Ukraine where it empties into the Black Sea near Odessa. It formed the Soviet-Romanian border from 1918 to 1940.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Placename) a river in E Europe, rising in Ukraine, in the Carpathian Mountains and flowing generally southeast to the Black Sea. Length: 1411 km (877 miles). Russian name: Dnestr Romanian name: Nistru
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


or Dnes•tr

(ˈni stər; Russ. dnyɛstr)

a river rising in SW Ukraine, flowing SE from the Carpathian Mountains through Ukraine and Moldavia to the Black Sea. ab. 875 mi. (1410 km) long.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Le territoire situe entre le Prut et le Dniestr prend le nom de Bessarabie apres le nom du Prince Alexandre Basarab au 14cmc siecle (4).
--L'histoire moldave--on considere l'espace entre les rivieres Prut et Dniestr comme une partie de l'ancien Principat de Moldavie.
(28) The second phase of the Romanian army's part in the invasion would begin with the crossing of the Dniestr River once Army Group South penetrated the Soviet defenses to the north.
On this occasion the authors accompany some participants who go to Transnistria, the land between Dniestr and Bug that in World War II was the place of the "silent Holocaust" where thousands of deported Bucovinian and Bessarabian Jews died of typhus, shooting, hunger, and cold.
(2005) found similar magnetization from Wenlock carbonates in the Dniestr basin, Ukraine (IB; Fig.
Between Moldova and Ukraine is a shaded area, a narrow stretch of territory along the Dniestr River.
Since then, this thin strip of industrialised land, which runs north-south along the eastern flank of the Dniestr river, has gained a reputation as a haven for corruption, money laundering and other organised crime.
Leonid Brejnev famously declared that raions on the Dniestr (Nistru) have to break through to socialism by the shortest possible path.
Pour les autres decouvertes (rondelles, dents percees et coquillage perce) on peut mentionner les analogies retrouvees dans les sites de: Borosteni, Rasnov, Tibrinu, Roumanie (Beldiman, 2004b); Temnata Dupka, Bulgarie (Kozlowski, 1992); Cosauti, important site gravettien en plein air de chasseurs de renne, place au bord du Dniestr, Republique de Moldavie (Borziac, 1993 et 1994; Otte, Lopez-Bayon, Noiret, Borziac et Chirica, 1996; Otte, Noiret, Lopez-Bayon, 1998); Molodova 5 au bord du Dniestr, Ukraine (Kozlowski, 1992); Arka, Csakvar, Pilismarot, Sagvar, Szob, Tarcal, Bodrogkeresztur, sites en abri sous roche et de plein air de l'Hongrie (Lumley, 1984; Kozlowski, 1992).
The new radar was a development of the Darial set, but used decimeter UHF band instead of the meter VHF band of all previous radar sets (Dniestr, Dniepr, and Darial).