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Related to Dniprodzerzhyns'k: Dnjepropetrovsk


Kamyanske, formerly Dniprodzerzhynsk (dənyĭpˌrōdzĭrzhēnskˈ), Rus. Dneprodzerzhinsk, city (1989 pop. 282,000), central Ukraine, a port on the Dnieper River. It is a major industrial center with iron and steel, machine tool, chemical, and cement plants. Settled before the mid-18th cent., it was industrialized in the late 19th cent. Under Stalin the name of Kamyanske (Rus. Kamenskoye) was changed (1936) to Dniprodzerzhynsk to honor Feliks Dzerzhinsky, the founder of the Russian secret police. A large dam on the Dnieper was completed here in 1964. The original name was restored in 2016.
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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



(until 1936, Kamenskoe), a city in Dnepropetrovsk Oblast, Ukrainian SSR. A port on the Dnieper and a railroad station. Population, 227,000 in 1970 (40,000 in 1913; 148,000 in 1939).

Dneprodzerzhinsk is one of the major industrial centers of the Ukrainian SSR. Its main industries are metallurgy (the Dnieper Metallurgical Plant, which produces pig iron, steel, and rolled steel), machine building (a railroad-car plant), chemicals and by-product coke (chemical combine and by-product coke plants), and building materials (cement and precast reinforced-concrete plants). There are also food-processing enterprises. Dneprodzerzhinsk has an industrial institute, six technicums (including metallurgical, power engineering, and industrial technicums), a medical school, and a music school. There is a museum of the city’s history. The Dneprodzerzhinsk Hydroelectric Power Plant is located near the city. Dneprodzerzhinsk has been known since 1750.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.