Dnieper River

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a river that rises in Russia near Smolensk and flowing south through Belarus and Ukraine to empty into the Black Sea

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The second part of the book opens with a long excursus on the history of the Hudson's Bay Trading Company, which Tolochko compares with Rus' activity on the Volga and Dnieper rivers from the middle of the 8th century through the 9th.
It considers the results of long-term field and modeling investigations of radionuclide transport in soil and groundwater in the Ukrainian part of the Dnieper River basin.
We met at a table with a magnificent view of the Dnieper River on the third-floor food court of the Sky Mall in Kiev.
Poroshenko, flanked by his wife and administration officials, laid a jar filled with grains in front of a candle-shaped obelisk beside the Dnieper River in Kiev Saturday to commemorate the famine, which was declared a genocide in Nov.
What really finished off the Commonwealth east of the Dnieper River was the excessive grain requisition to the point of starvation.
"We've drilled wells, we're using drip irrigation, but there's still not enough water," said Vasily, a burly man whose 50-hectare (124-acre) vegetable farm near Dzhankoi has been irrigated by water from the Dnieper river diverted along a canal across a strip of land that links Crimea to the mainland.
We don't know why the journalist thought Putin would drown in a river and not at sea; maybe he had in mind the Dnieper River crossing Ukraine.
The EIB loan will support the refurbishment and upgrading of 22 conventional and pumped storage hydropower plants at six power stations along the Dnieper river, in central Ukraine.
Kiev, on the banks of the Dnieper river, is Ukraine's capital and largest city.
bugensis spread throughout the Dnieper River and colonized newly constructed reservoirs (Zhuravel 1965, Orlova et al.
The EBRD loan will facilitate the modernisation of 28 power units on the Dnieper River, extending their lifetime by 30 years.
If it's Ukraine that you fancy, take the 12-day 'Footsteps of the Cossacks' cruise on the Dnieper river. Tour palaces, monasteries and botanical gardens in Kiev, Yalta and Odessa, learn about the country's maritime history in Sevastopol and immerse yourself in Cossack traditions in Zaporozhye.
Following the announcement of RusHydro's (HYDR - Buy) strategy to expand outside of Russia and acquire 5GW of installed capacity by 2020, RusHydro was mentioned by Deputy PM Igor Sechin as a potential participant in the modernization of the hydropower plant network on the Dnieper River in Ukraine.
IAAEve watched white-tailed eagles on a vast swampy island in the middle of the Dnieper River, listened as unseen nuns filled a vaulted church with their harmonies, marveled at the parade of tall women in stilettos clicking confidently down icy sidewalks and suffered a mild concussion myself when my feet shot out from under me in a frozen alley.IAAEve passed markers commemorating millions of murders.
The show also included paintings of birch groves and reeds, variously reflected and backdropped by the Dnieper River, where Tarkovsky filmed much of his tale about a World War II orphan boy adopted by a Soviet army unit in the Eastern Front.