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-EBRD extends EUR200 energy loan to Ukraine.

Global Banking News-October 4, 2011--EBRD extends EUR200 energy loan to Ukraine(C)2011 ENPublishing -

Global Banking News - 04 October 2011

The European Bank for Reconstruction & Development (EBRD) has approved a EUR200m loan to help fund hydroelectricity generation in the Ukraine.

Ukrgidroenergo, Ukraine's state-owned operator of large hydro generating and pump storage facilities, will use the loan to fund the upgrade of equipment at its hydropower plants.

The EBRD loan will facilitate the modernisation of 28 power units on the Dnieper River, extending their lifetime by 30 years. Under the plan, hydraulic turbines, generators, and dam safety and auxiliary equipment will be supplied and installed at the Kremenchug, Dnieprodzerzinsk, Dnieprovska and Kaniv hydropower plants, as well as at the Kiev pump storage plant.

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Publication:Global Banking News (GBN)
Geographic Code:4EXUR
Date:Oct 4, 2011
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