Polish Literature

Polish literature is the literary tradition of Poland. Most Polish literature has been written in the Polish language, though other languages, used in Poland over the centuries, have also contributed to Polish literary traditions, including Yiddish, Lithuanian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, German and Esperanto. Until the early 18th century, a major language of Polish literature was Latin, widely popular across all of Western and Central Europe at the time.

Inne Pieśni by Jacek DukajSolaris by Stanisław LemLimes inferior by Janusz A. ZajdelParadyzja by Janusz A. ZajdelThe Futurological Congress by Stanisław Lem
Best Polish Sci-Fi
25 books — 26 voters
The Eagle Unbowed by Halik KochanskiNo Greater Ally by Kenneth K. KoskodanRising 44 by Norman DaviesSurviving The Forest by Adiva GeffenThe Pianist by Władysław Szpilman
Poland in World War 2
99 books — 42 voters

The Trigger by Tim ButcherBerlin 1961 by Frederick KempeIron Curtain by Anne ApplebaumThe Magic Lantern by Timothy Garton AshWhite Eagle, Red Star by Norman Davies
20th Century History of Central Europe
189 books — 72 voters
The Doll by Bolesław PrusThe Street of Crocodiles and Other Stories by Bruno SchulzOgniem i mieczem by Henryk SienkiewiczThe Dark Domain by Stefan GrabińskiThe Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski
Polish literature in English
43 books — 15 voters

Pan Lodowego Ogrodu. Tom 1 by Jarosław GrzędowiczMiecz przeznaczenia by Andrzej SapkowskiSolaris by Stanisław LemKrew elfów by Andrzej SapkowskiThe Invincible by Stanisław Lem
Best Polish Fiction
83 books — 18 voters
Lalka by Bolesław PrusFerdydurke by Witold GombrowiczBlood of Elves by Andrzej SapkowskiSolaris by Stanisław LemQuo Vadis by Henryk Sienkiewicz
Best Polish Books
562 books — 528 voters

Andrzej Sapkowski
- Знаешь, Цири, что даёт человеку университетское образование? - Нет. Что? - Умение пользоваться источниками.
Andrzej Sapkowski, Wieża Jaskółki

Budd Schulberg
Never talk to waiters like that," Kit said. "Can I help it," he said, "if I only went one year to finishing school?" "It isn't manners," she said like a sensible schoolteacher quietly disciplining a small boy, "it just isn't smart." I thought of the time I first told him not to say ain't. He took this the same way, a little peeved but making mental notes. I noticed he was never too much of an egotist to take criticism when he knew it would help. It was part of his genius for self-propulsion. ...more
Budd Schulberg, What Makes Sammy Run?

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Poles Anyone from Poland, of Polish descent, or interested in Poland and Polish culture.
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