European Literature

European literature refers to the literature of Europe. European literature includes literature in many languages; among the most important of the modern written works are those in English, Spanish, French, Dutch, Polish, Ukrainian, German, Italian, Modern Greek, Czech, Russian, Bosnian, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish and Irish.

Important classical and medieval traditions are those in Latin, Old and Middle English, Ancient Greek, Old Norse, Medieval French and Medieval Italian.

In colloquial speech, European literature is often used as a synonym for Western literature.

European literature is

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Pedro Chagas Freitas
Non so che fare, resto a guardarti e ad amarti da solo. Restare a guardarti e ad amarti, anche se da solo, è sempre una buona decisione.
Pedro Chagas Freitas, Prometo Falhar

Pedro Chagas Freitas
L'amore può anche essere soltanto qualcuno che ci chiede di lasciarci proteggere, e ci protegge davvero. ...more
Pedro Chagas Freitas, Prometo Falhar

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