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Synonyms for gibbet

to execute by suspending by the neck

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for gibbet

alternative terms for gallows

hang on an execution instrument

Related Words

expose to ridicule or public scorn


Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
The pub is located on Gibbet Hill Road, in the Gibbet Hill area of the city.
Larch House, No 11 Gibbet Hill Road, is for sale for [pounds sterling]1,295,000 while Zinc House next door is slightly cheaper at [pounds sterling]1,275,000.
A gibbet was a frame, often made of metal, built to contain the body of a criminal and hung from a gallows for all to see as the body slowly decomposed.
AGENT: An imposing detached residence in the Gibbet Hill area of Coventry combines cavernous space with an excellent location to provide an ideal family home.
Winter's Gibbet was erected after the murder of Margaret Crozier who lived at "Raw Pele" two miles North of Elsdon, Northumberland.
4 Winter's Gibbet -Winter's Gibbet a grisly memorial to William Winter, the last man in England to be gibbeted.
In the height of summer, overflowing gardens on a hillside at Gibbet Hill Farm in Groton not only take your breath away, but also reveal a story about a family's strong commitment to sustainable agriculture and a town's heritage.
So, move on to the next town then, just as long as they stayed away from Halifax where they had been using a gibbet to behead criminals since 1280.
At their place of execution, they were hung in chains upon a gibbet before thousands of onlook-ers.
His reform efforts exasperated the colonial and English authorities; but for some inexplicable grace and his specific circumstances, he might otherwise have paid for his views in prison or on the gibbet. Gaustad's account implies how galling Williams's vociferousness was in Massachusetts at a time when survival was a priority.
Last year the university in Gibbet Hill Road, Gibbet Hill, Coventry, was in seventh nationally.
A MAN died after a car he was in crashed into a tree.The 19-year-old was one of several people in a gold Vauxhall Omega that hit a kerb on Gibbet Street in Halifax before smashing into the tree at the junction of Sandhill Lane.
Rainsbrook Individual Homes are to build the detached properties on orchard and garden land of Gibbet Hill Road, once owned by the brother of Bond creator, Ian Fleming.