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Synonyms for giantism

excessive size

excessive largeness of stature


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Large size and dominance are not synonymous with efficiency in nature, and giantism has never been an effective long-term evolutionary strategy.
Nowa Huta--"New Steelworks"--on the outskirts of Cracow embodied the spirit of late Stalinist giantism. The Lenin Steelworks, which at its peak employed 43,000 workers, and the surrounding town, designed to house 100,000 people but by 1985 accommodating 223,000, was among the most important projects in the 1950 Polish Six-Year Plan.
To go for giantism is to go for self-destruction." So, for instance, large industrial enterprises should be split up and managed as smaller units with a more human face.
We have no idea exactly what emerged from such interbreeding but apparently in some cases it led to a sort of 'giantism', Nephilim and benei anak, who proceeded to terrorize and tyrannize others.
A WELSH film crew has been helping the world's tallest man in his global search for a cure for his "giantism".
A SOUTH Wales film crew is helping the world's tallest man in his global search for a cure for his "giantism".
Even the Court of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt era, the Hughes Court, was not able to break free of the large corporate structure that was set in motion during the Gilded Age and Progressive Era giantism with regard to corporations.
As a result of its concentration of power, the overbureaucratized and overpoliticized state had proven too resilient and at the same time too brittle; it tried to control too much--"giantism"--and ended up losing control of everything; lacking any deep roots in society, it was ignorant of how to serve its needs; inoculated against debate and discussion under Stalin, the ideology lost its flexible features and the undereducated popular masses fell prey to his Great Russian chauvinism, which long after his death reinforced the opposition to change modeled on external (Western) ideas.
But the giantism of consent forms is not just a product of the American IRB system.
giantism and dwarfism, elongated and shortened bills, feathered tarsi, supernumerary tail feathers, hypertrophied nose and eye ceres, frontal and occipital crests, colors of irises and orbital rings, sexual dichromatism as well as various plumage patterns.
In fixing the financial crisis, Obama could use a little less of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's affection for economic giantism, and a little more of Theodore Roosevelt's zeal for trust-busting.
Eight right-handed sedentary men (mean age: 26.0 [+ or -] 2.8 years, mean weight: 69.0 [+ or -] 3.6 kg) and eight right-handed elite male judo players who are members of Turkish National Judo Team (mean age: 22.0 [+ or -] 2.9 years, mean weight: 64.0 [+ or -] 4.9 kg) having no history and clinical signs of any orthopaedic disorder such as fracture, osteoarthritis or also acromegaly for giantism were included in this study.
By 1900, McClure realized that his magazine must tackle one of the most difficult topics around--corporate giantism and rapacity in the form of "trusts" (think of the word "antitrust").
(2)) Scholarly contributions on China's rise as an 'incipient superpower' (3)) tend to focus on its economic 'giantism', its modernising security establishment, its energy policies and needs and, to some extent, its impact on the global natural environment in an age of climate change and environmental degradation.