giant star

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Related to giant star: red giant star, Supergiant Star
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a very bright star of large diameter and low density (relative to the Sun)


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Eventually, the hydrogen in the core of a red giant star will run out.
However, giant stars rich in lithium are very rare, with only a few found over the past three decades.
The giant star, named π1Gruis, is one of the stars in the constellation Grus (Latin for the crane, a type of bird), which can be observed in the southern hemisphere.
The discovery of planets orbiting red giant stars is rare, with only five such planets located around stars of that kind to date, she said.
The star Kepler-56 is becoming a red giant star as well.
Further evidence for this was obtained from the late-type giant star, which was not undergoing roche lobe overflow and whose spectral characteristics remained unchanged during the outburst.
Janice was tied to a giant star and had to withstand mealworms, yabbies, slime, green ants and cockroaches .
It consists of a white dwarf star in close orbit with a much larger red giant star. The two are so close together that hydrogen-rich gas from the outer layers of the red giant is pulled on to the dwarf by its high gravity.
"He was a giant star among many different people--the Esperantists, the homosexuals, the gamelan enthusiasts, and the sign-language speakers.
Gradual mass change occurs when a star becomes a giant star and ejects a planetary nebula, leaving behind a lower mass white dwarf.
Although the ( video shows numerous comets whizzing past the Sun, one stood out as it proceeded on a collision course with the giant star. According to SOHO, the comet is a Kreutz sungrazer.
In a red giant star, a large convective envelope of plasma surrounds a radiative core where fusion happens.
The shape and the size of its orbit are also unusual for a planet like Kepler-432b that is revolving around a giant star. In less than 200 million years, this "red giant" will most likely swallow up the planet.
As much as 90 percent of the red giant star's mass can be stripped off in a stellar collision, but the details of this process are not well understood.